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The Legend of the Holy Grail

its Sources, Character and Development, by Dorothy Kempe. The introduction to, and Part V of, Herry Lovelich's verse "History of the Holy Grail,"

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Thus this Storie forthere gynneth procede,
that whanne Nasciens to preson gon they lede,
and his sone there-Inne with him I-do,
Whiche was to him bothe peyne & wo,
And al his lond I-sesid it was tho;
and his wif Owt put Of Euery plas also,
that an hy born womman was, & of good lyvenge,
and therto here fadir was a kynge.
this lady was So ful Of bewte,
For a fairere womman Myhte non man se,
for thus Of hire telleth the Storye,
that more bewte hadde sche Sekerlye
thanne Alle the wommen Erthly born
that Evere Ony Man Sawh leveng beforn;


And to these bewtes sche hadde bownte,
Corteys and gentil In Alle Maner degre;
lowlich to Every Creature,
and large to God, I the Ensure;
and Aȝens hire lord & Soverein
debonewre & ful trewe Certein,
and Chaste Evere In his Absence,
bothe humble & Mek In his presence;
therto sche him louede aboven al erthly thyng;
Non wondir thowh this lady made Morneng;
For so gret sorwe & morneng sche Made,
that non Man ne Myhte hire herte glade.
thus was the Condisciown Of this lady fre,
as ȝe han herde Rehersed here be me;
and this ladyes Name was Flegentyne,
A ful worthy lady, and A benyngne.
Wetes wel, whanne sche hadde knowenge þo
that hire lord was In presown I-do,
Ful gret sorwe sche took to herte,
And Manie peynes sche hadde, & smerte.
and In the moste Sorwe that sche was Inne,
This false Calafer ne wolde not blynne,
but putten hire Owt Of alle hire londis,
and be-Refte Clene Ow[t] of hire hondis.
thanne was this lady At Orbery tho,
In ful mochel deseisse sche was do;
and thedir here Iorne tho sche Mad,
Weneng hire lord Owt Of prison han had;
but Euere Calaferis Conseyl was presente,
and for nothing thereto wolde assente,
As this Storie here After doth telle
Al to-gederes how it be-felle.
and whanne þis goode lady say it was so,
That husbonde Child & lond was a-go,
thanne was sche In passinge Mornyng
Whanne sche herde tellen Al this tydyng;


Thanne wiste sche neuere what forto do;
but to An hygh good levere sche drowh here vnto,
An old vauasour, A ful gentil knyht
that Inne sche trosted with Alle hire Myht,
For norre he was to hire sone so dere,
that him tauht bothe norture & Manere,
and sche hadde him Encresed Also,
From poverte In to worschepe I-do
And him ȝoven to-forn that Owr
Manie Iowelis of gret honoure;
Wherfore In him gan sche hire Affye
Aboven Alle Other tho Sekerlye.
thanne flegentyne to thys vauasour wente,
A sorweful womman, and ful dolente.
and whanne this vauasour gan hire Aspie,
that it was his lady Certeinlye,
Anon with herte, body, & thowht,
he thanked God þat thedir hire browht,
And Resceyved hire ful worthily,
As his lady & soverein ful debonerly,
With herte, Body, & Al his good tho,
At hire Comandement to ben I-do.
but Evere this lady hadde In herte
hire lorde, hire sone, that dide here smerte,
Wheche sche lovede Ouer Alle thing,
So that to hire myhte Comen non Comforteng.
Thanne the qweene Sarracynte, hire soster dere,
To flegentyne sente In this Manere,
and preide here, ‘for Alle Gentelnesse,
For sosterhed, & for Alle kendenesse,
and In slakyng Of hire peyne & wo,
that sche wolde Comen hire vnto,
that Ech of hem Other myhte Comforte,
and Ech In here Angwisch to Other Resorte.’


thanne Flegentyne thanked here of hire message,
as womman that was of high parage,
and hire preide ‘þat sche sholde not with hire mysplese,
For to here it ne were nethir Comfort ne Ese;
Sethen þat with hire lord sche hadde Ioye & honour,
It is worthi be hire selves to suffre peyne & dolour;
For I ne Am not to good therto,
For my lord to suffren boþe sorwe & wo;’
and In this Manere sche sente to Say
To qwene Saracynte this ilke day.
and whanne the qwene herde of this tydynge,
that Flegentyne wold Comen for non thinge,
Sche wente hire Self, In hire persone,
that lady to bringen Owt of hire Mone,
So that this Sarracynte wente forto seke
this duchesse Flegentyne that was so meke.
and whanne to-Gederis Metten these ladyes trewe,
thanne gan Alle here sorwes Renewe;
to Grownde bothe In Swowneng fille,
that non Of hem Myhte speken Other vntille;
For so gret sorewe they Maden bothe,
that to þe peple Abowtes it was ful lothe;
For Grettere Sorwe Sawgh neuere Manne
than be-twene the two ladyes was thanne;
Ful mochel was the Cry & the weping,
that be-twene hem two was, & þe Morneng;
And longe it was Er they myhten Speke,
Oþer Ony word Eiþer myhte Owt-Breke.
ȝit Atte laste this qweene Sarracynte
Of hire Morneng Som what gan to stynte,
And, As a wis womman and a Redy,
To this dwchesse sche spak ful gentelly,
And hire sche peyned In Alle thing
To Restreynen hire from weping,
And spak ful goodly to this dwchesse,
hire to bringen Owt Of hire distresse;


and In the Ende sche preide hire So
that sche wold with hire Go,
“And swich Comfort I wolde ȝow make,
For my dere brothir ȝoure lordis sake
that we ben so mochel bownden to;
ȝif ony Comfort to ȝow Cowde I do.”
but this duchesse, this lady fre,
Nolde therto Assente In non degre,
and Excused here ful ladyly,
“that In non Othir felischipe trewly
thanne In that vauasour, that Olde knyht,
sche nolde not Comen be day ne be nyht;
and Ek to hire were it worschepe non
From that vauasour forto goon,
For my Compenye he Nele forsake,
Ne I ne may his, Anothir to take;
For In his Compenye have I be
Sethen myn Exil was put to Me,
and In his Compenie I wele Abide
Tyl to my ducherie Aȝen I Come som tyde.
For, goode lady, moche lasse deseisse Suffre I here,
thanne In ȝowre Compenye ȝif I were,
For nether Of vs Other Myhte se
But Owre sorwe Aȝen renewed scholde be,
Ne nethir Of vs Of Oure lordis to speke,
the Sorwe wolde maken Owre hertes breke;
to heren Ony thing Of here deseisse,
In Alle thinges it scholde vs Misplese;
and therfore, Myn Owne lady & Soster so dere,
haueth me Excused In this Manere.”
Ful Mochel hevynesse & sorwe made this qweenne
Whanne that sche Sawh it wold not bene,
and that the vauasour sche nolde forsake,
Ful mochel sorewe sche gan to Make,
and that sche nolde for non preyere
With hire forth gon In non Manere.


And whanne non Other wise thanne Myhte it go,
homwardes aȝen thanne torned sche tho;
and to hire Self sche Made gret Mone
that þe duchesse non Otherwise wolde done.
And Every day thus ferde this qweene,
that sorwen & Weping made bedene;
and thus ferde sche ful Manye A day,
that Man ne womman hire Comforten may;
And Evere beleft this duchesse stille
With the vauasour, As it was hire wille,
And Evere hire Sorwe was lich newe,
So good sche was, & Of love so trewe,
that Neuere man ne non womman
In that digre myhte Comforten hire than,
til that it fyl vppon A day
that tydynges to hire Comen verray,
that Nasciens, hire lord So fre,
Owt of prisoun was skaped Certeinlie.
and whanne Of this tydinges herde sche telle,
Somme Comfort In hire herte befelle,
and better Semblaunce sche gan to Make,
that hire lord Owt of preson was take;
And also that hire Sone so dere
Was Asckaped In that Manere.
So it be-fyl that the seventhe Nyht
After that Nasciens owt of presown was dyht,
And as In hire bed that Niht sche lay,—
and hadde not slept ful mani A day,
What For gret Mone & for Weping,—
at the last sche fyl In A slombering,
So, what for weping & werynesse,
hire herte hadde longe ben In distresse.
And as sche lay In hire Slombering,
Sche thowghte sche hadde A Merveillous Metyng;


Sche thouhte sche Say In hire Avisiown
Nasciens hire lord, bothe hol & sown,
stonding to fore hire bed there,
that to hire Seide In this Manere:
“Swete soster, sixt thow not Me
that thus here stonde to fore the?
Into a fer Contre I am I-browht,
thorw him that vs alle hath bowht,
Into a place fer be weste,
there that goode lord liketh beste;
wheche plase & weche Contre
he hath me Ordeyned In forto be,
and there my seed forth forto bringe,
hym to worschepe & honourenge.”
and On the Morwen whanne sche Awook,
Gret merveil Of this Avisioun sche Took;
and In as moche As sche hadde non ful knoweng
Of that Avisions Signefieng,
the firste werke sche dide tho,
To holi chirche sche gan to go,
there forto heren Goddis Servise,
As Everi day it was hire Gyse.
And whanne Alle the Servise was I-do,
Anon to A provost sche gan to Go,
And told him Of hire A-visiown,
how þat it was, Al & sown,
And preide that provost, for Charite,
For hire to preyen to the Trenite,
‘that he wolde senden hire som Tokeneng
Of that Avisiouns Signefieng.’
And thus sone sche torned Ageyn
To [the] vauasours hows In Certein,
that hire Comforteth As he Can,
For to hire he was A ful trewe man.


thanne this ladi this vauasour In Cownseil Gan to Calle,
and him tolde how that hire it gan be-falle
In hire Avisiown this Othir Niht;
Al him sche tolde Euene Owtriht.
thanne Answered this vauasour to hire Ageyn,
“that theke Avisiown in Certein—
be the helpe of God and the holy Roode—
Scholde here torne to worschepe & goode;
Neuertheles, lady, vndirstonde ȝe Me,
that I wele ben Redy in Eche degre
to fulfillen ȝoure Comaundement
In alle degrees, And ȝoure Entent.”
and whanne the lady herde of his benyngnete,
In Alle things that so profred he,
For Ioye In herte sche gan to wepe,
that of hire he took so gret kepe;
thanne Answerid sche, “with herte & wille,
And myn preceptis thow wilt fulfille,
the behoveth with me forto go
Into what plase that I preie ȝow to.”
thanne Answerid this vauasowr Ageyn
to that worschepful duchesse: “Certein,
ȝe ne Connen not Seyn, ne Comaunden me,
that I nel fulfille In eche degre
Evere As ȝowre Owne pore Bedeman.”
And thus to hire the vauasour Seide than,
“And what Compenye that sche wele have,
I schal ȝow gete to bringen ȝow Save.”
thanne Answered the lady tho,
“that Compenye wele I no mo
but Only ȝoure Owne Sengle persone;
We tweyne to gederis to gon Alone;
For I wolde kepen it So prevyle
That non lyveng man wiste but I & ȝe.”


Thanne Answerid this vauasowr:
“lady, I desire ȝowre Grete honour;
I wele ȝow telle now my Cownsaille,
ȝif Owht to ȝowre wit it May Avaylle,
Myn Eldest Sone with vs schal go,
ȝif ȝe thinken best that it be so,
and stonden vs In ȝomannes Servise,
In what degre that ȝe welen him devise.
And wete ȝe wel, that In Certeyne
he wolde Suffren As moche peyne
As Ony man here myhte Endure,
ȝow to plese, I ȝow Ensure;
but, lady, take ȝe this speche in non swich degre,
In Ony thing that I scholde wraththen the,
but that I wele ben Redy bothe Nyht & day
To don thing that ȝow plesen May,
And for ȝow to suffren peynes & Owtrage
As Ony man May don Of My Age.
But, worschepful lady, vndirstonde ȝe me,
that it Fallet nouht for ȝowre degre,
With-Owten A servaunt forto gone
Into Ony plase, ȝe & I Alone.
and ȝif with-Owten Servaunt þat we go,
And Ony mysaventure Come ȝow to,
Goode lady, how scholde I ȝowe be-welde,
that Am an Old man, & smeten Into Elde?
and whanne we Comen Into Ony straunge Contre,
and Ony mys-Aventure befalle to Me,
thanne my Sone May don vs bothe Ese,
lady, bothen ȝow & Me to plese.
and how so it stonde In Ony Other degre,
ȝoure Man & Servaunt I wil ben sekerle;
And my sone schal ben Owre Servaunt,
lady, ȝif ȝoure herte Mowe þerto grawnt;
and I as non knyht ne wil not be,
but as ȝoure Servaunt In Eche degre;


For what deseisse that I Suffre may,
for ȝow I wele don Every day.
Now that ȝe han herd myn Entent,
Of ȝow now wolde I weten present
how that ȝe thinken be this Cownsaille,
ȝif it Ony thing to ȝow may Availle;
for, lady, ful fain weten I wolde,
ȝif that to this Cownseil ȝe wolden holde.”
thanne Consented that lady ful wel
To this knyhtes Cownsail Everidel.
Thanne bespak this lady Anon,
“Sire knyht, I wold that we weren gon;
For In Ioye schal I neuere ben Sekerlye
tyl that my lord I se with bodily Eye,
therfore this viage now wele I go,
ȝif God his wille with me wile do;
but I ne wolde for non worldly good
that Non Creature it vndirstood,
but Onliche thi self, thi sone, and I,
Of this purposeng now trewely.”
“lady,” Seide this vauasour thanne,
“that ther nys leveng non Erthly Manne
that more gladly this viage wil vndirtake
thanne I wele, for my lordis Sake;
and this Cownseil to ȝow I wolde han seid be-fore,
but that Of on thing me dredde ful sore,
that me ȝe wolde not haven In Compenye,
And this I dredde ful Sekerlye.”
thanne preide Anon this lady so fre,
that Anon Redy he wold be,
And him Silver & Gold to Ordeyne,
And what sche myhte sche wolde hire peyne,
For bothen pore & Naked was sche Mad;
that Of Al hire good but litel sche had.’
Neuertheles this Olde gentyl knyht,
To his power dide Al his Miht,


and purveied him Of Gold & Of tresowr,
and of Mani A Iewel of gret valowr;
For At that tyme more hadde he
Thanne Nasciens and flegentyne Certeinle.
Of this the vauasowr dide Moche thing,
be Encheson Of hire sones Norscheng.
And On the Morwe whanne it gan dawe,
this goode lady was ful fawe;
anon to Chirche sche gan to Gon,
As hire Olde Custom was to don;
And whiles that sche At Chirche was,
this vauasour to his wif told the Cas,—
how that his lady wolde go
to visite qweene sarracynte tho,—
So that here Sadelys he did Owt take,
and here hors Redy forto make;
and as sone as sche from Chirche gan gon,
to here hors they wenten Anon,
bothe the lady and the vauasour,
And Ek his sone In that stowr—
hos Name was Clepyd helycaors,
A semly persone Of Membris & Cors;—
and his Fadir Carsopines hyhte;
An Awnciel Man, and A vaillaunt knyhte.
Thus this lady took leve tho
At the vauasours wif, & forth gan go;
So dide hire howsbonde & hire sone In fere,
and wenten forth with Meri Chere;
But this vauasour wolde not In non wise
to his wif discoueren his Servise,
and that he Scholde non ferthere Go
but to Sarras, to the qweene tho,


For Flegentyne hire wolde Se,
What Maner of Comfort with hire myht be;
For non Othirwise ne dorste he do,
For his lady Comaunded him so.
thus sone iiij hors weren browght forth there,
And Anon they thre weren horsid In fere,
and the fourthe hors the Somer bar,
the weche wherto was Ordeined thar,
that was Charched with diuers Mone,
With hem to have In Eche Contre.
And whanne Owt Of that town they paste,
Streiht to Sarras they torned Atte laste;—
and thus dide the vauasour tho,
For they scholden Sen hem toward sarras go;—
and that weye helden they ful Ryht
til they weren A Mile Owt of þe peples Siht.
thanne bespak this vauasowr tho,
and seide, “lady, how wele ȝe now go
For to Seken My lord & ȝoure,
Whiche that is Man Of honoure;
For I suppose In Min Mynde,
ȝe ne weten in what Contre him to fynde;
and Sethen that ȝe knowen non Certeinte
In what Contre that he Scholde be,
So Mosten we Seken be Aventure
In what Contre to fynden him Sure.”
“For sothe,” quod the lady Ageyn,
‘In' wot neuere Into what Contre Certein
Sikerly him forto fynde—
My worthy lord So Goode & kynde;—
but In As Moche As that he tolde Me
‘that westward Algates Scholde he be,’
(thus thowhte me In Myn Avisiown
that he Seide Al & Som;)


Wherfore westward, I telle it the,
My herte falleth Most he Scholde be.”
thanne torned they Aweye On þe Ryht hond,
And thus sone a water there they fond;
Anon ful sone that water they paste,
That toward Orbery Ran In gret haste,
Whiche water ‘Arecuse’ was Cleped tho,
that to Orbery wardis wente tho.
So longe they Reden til it was Eve,
For the sonne hire lyht began to leve,
thanne was sche At hire owne londis Ende,
thike gentil lady so good & hende.
And there here In they token Anon,
In a Rial plase of lym & of ston
that next the Castel of Emelianz stood,
that marched next to þe dwchie On þat flood.
And On the Morewe ful Erly sche Ros,
And In hire weye forth sche gos,
For that Aparceyved sche ne wolde not be,
for sche was there at Swich poverte;
and sche dide it be good Resoun,
For Al that Contre there In-virown,
they weren Saradynes Everichon,
and hatede alle Cristene be On & On;
and Ek hem Of Orberi & Of Sarras
these Saradines hatede In Every plas.


thanne past they forth owt of that contre tho,
And Into Calamyne they gonne to go.
Now Of this dwchesse here leveth this storie;
And to the Messageres we Mosten hye,
that Sire Nasciens Sowghten Every where,
In Eche Contre, both fer & Nere;
but ful longe it is, I vndirstonde,
Er that these Messengeres Sire Nasciens fonde;
And how Nasciens fond his ȝonge sone
that with him in presown was done;
wherfore, of Al Erthly thing,
For his wif & him was his Morneng.