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Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets, Elegies, and amorous delights. VVhere-vnto is annexed, the tragicall complaynt of Elstred [by Thomas Lodge]

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Sonnet XII.

Ah trees why fall your leaues so fast?
Ah Rocks where are your robes of mosse?
Ah flockes, why stand you all agast?
Trees, rocks, and flocks, what are you pensiue for my losse?
The birdes me thinkes, tune nought but moane,
The windes breath nought but bitter plaint,
The beasts forsake their dennes to groane,
Birdes, windes, and beastes, what doth my losse your powers attaint?
Floodes weepe their springes aboue their boundes,
And Eccho wailes to see my woe,
The roabe of ruth doth cloath the groundes:
Floodes, Eccho, groūdes, why do you al these teares bestow?
The trees, the rockes, and flockes replie,
The birdes, the windes, the beastes report,
Floodes, Eccho, groundes, for sorrow crie,
VVe grieue since Phillis nill kinde Damons loue consort.