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Scillaes Metamorphosis: Enterlaced with the vnfortunate loue of Glaucus

VVhereunto is annexed the delectable discourse of the discontented Satyre: with sundrie other most absolute Poems and Sonnets. Contayning the detestable tyrannie of Disdaine, and Comicall triumph of Constancie: Verie fit for young Courtiers to peruse, and coy Dames to remember. By Thomas Lodge

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[VVhen with aduice I weigh my yeares forepast]

VVhen with aduice I weigh my yeares forepast,
And count the course that in my youth I kept:
How my fond eies on garish beautie plast,
Dimde by desires in vaine opinion slept:
For euerie looke and thought with teares I crie,
I loath the faults and follies of mine eie.
By which my heart was burnt with scorching flame,
Growing to head by stealth of idle time,
Whom oft my lookes with blushing red did blame;
But follie fixt before, it grew to prime:
So for my wanton lookes with teares I crie,
I loath the faults and follies of mine eie.
Oh wanton looks, yee foes of sad forecast,
That wept the teares of will, and not repent:
Now see the end how fickle faire is past,

And crimson cheekes with crooked yeares are spent:
And blame your selues, and helpe my carefull crie,
Who loath the faults and follies of mine eye.