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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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To Nicotiana. A Rapture.

Come, my Nicotiana; weele renew
Our free delights, and Appetite pursue;
Wee fearles will Enioy those reall Ioyes
Lovers would paint, in their fantasticke toyes;
And boldly Iustifie what wee have done,
Though thousand Curious Eyes were looking on.
Come; with a hundred Blandishments weele trye
Strange Subtleties, in Love's great misterie;
In varied formes, thy pliant Limbes shall cast
Their knots, at once about my necke and wast;
Thy poudred Tresses, over mine shall spread,
And strangelye mixt, make it but all one head;
Close, as the power of Love can Ioyne vs, then
Wee will new Ioyes invent; such as the Pen
Of wanton Poets pussle; my free hand


Noe bashfull blush shall ever Countermand,
But in a Thousand formes, thy Tresses part
And slide along, with vncontrollèd Art,
Thy daintie Bodie; not to fear a frowne,
ffor soyling of thy new white Sattin Gowne;
My willing Lips shall part, to catch thy Breath,
Sweet, as the Hony-deaw, which Hybla hath.
There will I hang; and all my veins inspire
With Ardent Wishes, taken from thy fire;
Hard on my Lips, thy wanton tongue shall press,
And by new Chimistrie in Wantonnes,
Send the rich Qvintessence of all I seeke,
In Dalliance through that faire Alimbecke:
There will I sucke, with Cunning Industrie,
Thy Spirrits Extracted by Love's Alchimie.
When we 'are be-qualm'd, that long imbraces has
Made dull Desire, and wee shall only passe
ffaint breathings, I will summon a fresh Store
Of Vigour, farre more Active, then before;
And with neat Tittilations, new provoke
Decaied fire in thee, to the full Stocke;
Invent new postures, & out-doe the old
ffictions, to make 'em Storie; when with bold
Vncurbèd flames, wee grapple; and not part,
But to renew our Action, and our Art.
Let fooles be modest; and the novice say
Hee did the Act, where no Eye could betray;
Such pettie fears, our generous Thoughts despise,


Our pleasure is made rich by many Eyes;
And with an Equall glorie, wee dare vye,
In Artfull Sleights, to all the Standers by;
Such Confidence is manly; doth appeare
Worthy all Titles, wee can glorie here;
Thus, my Nicotiana, wee will move
Careles who see; fearles who know our Love.