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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 16. Conserva me.

Michtam Davidis.


On thee my safeties hope is staid
O God, preserve thou me:


Thou Lord, my Lord (my soule hath said)
My good is not to thee.


Upon the Saints on earth that dwell,


soules gracious in thy sight:
Soules, that in serving God excell,
set is my sole delight.


Their sorrowes shall be multipli'd,
that after off-gods runne;
That other god have deifi'd,
and left thy dues undone.
Of bloud the offerings they propine,
I will not once partake,
Nor of their names these lips of mine
shall ever mention make.


The Lord is of mine heritage
the portion, of my cup
The over-flowing beverage;
my lot thou holdest up.


Within a faire and pleasant land,
the lines for mee are laid:
A goodly heritage in hand,
I hold to mee convai'd.


Thankes to the Lord will I returne
for his advertisement,
Whose fire within my reines doth burne,
with nightly chastisement.


The Lord before mee alwaies set
my object un-reprov'd;
On my right hand so him I get,
I shall not be remov'd.


My heart therefore thus heartned, sung
for joy within my brest:
Glad was the glory of my tongue,
“My flesh in hope shall rest.


Nor wilt thou leave my soule in hell,
nor give thy Holy One,
Where death, and shades of darknesse dwell,


to see corruption.


The path of life thou mak'st mee know,
full joyes before thy face:
From whence perpetuall pleasures flow,
thy right hand is the place.