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The Loves of Amandus and Sophronia

Historically Narrated. A Piece of rare Contexture, Inriched with many pleasing Odes and Sonnets, occasioned by the Jocular, or Tragicall occurrences, hapning in the progresse of the Historie. Disposed into three Books, or Tracts by Samuel Sheppard

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[Thus work we Fortunes discontent]

Thus work we Fortunes discontent,
To behold our merriment.
We harmelesse Shepherds do despise
The anger of the Destenies.


That which makes the Gown man pine,
The Souldier curse Wars discipline,
Begets our solace, no austere
Phalarian Tyrant is our fear;
Secure content, and quiet rest,
No groanes, or cries of men opprest;
Age is no trouble, Death but sleep,
And we till Death, our vigour keep.