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With other Poemes. By M. LL. St [i.e.Martin Lluelyn]

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Fourth Miracle.

Next Story Peter Simon ga't us,
Of John Alvarez Maldonatus.
Who passing once to New found Land,
Penny in pouch, and Sword in hand,
Did Gyants view, oft (at his leisure)
'Bout five Ells long, (yes London measure)
And one of them in humane view,
Did bravely combat, bravely slew
The Gyant (faith his Comrade Daniel)
Had face much like to Dog (call'd Spaniel.)
As he lay gasping on the hill,
His nose it was a beake (or bill)
And for his Sex, it was in sight,
Hæc Aquila, Hermaphrodite:
Now (Sirs) I grant the Pagan Poet,
Of huge Prometheus speakes, you know it,
For whose vast bulke he nothing staggers,
To say 'tis spread o're many Acres.
But know, we onely bring before yee,
A Christian writer's Gyant-story:
His ribs more wide then hoopes to ferkin,
(What Cloth must goe to make his Jerkin?)
Dogs looke, Birds beake in's face, you'l say,
Both Setting dogge, and Partridge lay.


If so, the Gyants was ill case,
Because his Nose did feare his Face.
Had that bill wings, there's none but spies,
His nose had flew away with's eyes.
And then the Dog-face left behind,
Had beene destroy'd whiles it was blind,
But John Alvarez, did not he
Kill sucking Gyants e're they see.
Nor that he slew must it be told,
A Gyant-whelpe e're nine dayes old:
'Twas-full growne Monster this, and vexes,
That Maldonatus slew both sexes.
It greives him most, in his owne life
To loose both th' Husband and the Wife.
For bulke he might be many dozens
Of Husbands, Wives, Sonnes, Daughters, Cozens.