University of Virginia Library

An ingratefull Knaue.

Extend thy loue in all humilitie,
Let bountie ioyne with liberalitie:
Lend, giue, forgiue, spend, and consume thy state;
Nay, if thy life, this wretch will be ingrate,
Though thou in nothing, he demands, denie him.
He thinks all's debt, & thou art bound to pay him.
Thy house, thy goods, thy purse, thy bond, thy bill.
Ingratitude remaines a monster still.
But doe not wonder at this Beast so much,
That towards men he euer proueth such,
VVho are but earthly mortals, euen, as hee:
For, to the God of heauen, thus hee'll be.
All gifts and blessings the Almighty giues:
Directly like the swinish Hogge he liues,
That feeds on fruit which from the tree doth fall,
But vpwards, whence it comes, ne'er lookes at all:
Receiues his meat euen like the Horse and Mule,
The Oxe, and Asse, that haue not reasons rule.
Heauen hates this wretch, on earth good men abhor him,
Hel & damnation is prepared for him.