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The Poems of James VI. of Scotland

Edited by James Craigie

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[O furious Mars, thow warlyke souldiour bold]

O furious Mars, thow warlyke souldiour bold,
And hardy Pallas, goddess stout and graue:
Let Reidars think, when combats manyfold
I do descriue, they see two champions braue,
With armies huge approching to resaue
Thy will, with cloudds of dust into the air.
Syne Phifers, Drummes, and Trumpets cleir do craue
The pelmell chok with larum loude alwhair,
Then nothing hard but gunnis, and ratling fair
Of speares, and clincking swords with glaunce so cleir,
As if they foght in skyes, then wrangles thair
Men killd, vnkilld, whill Parcas breath reteir.
There lyes the venquisht wailing sore his chaunce:
Here lyes the victor, rewing els the daunce.