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But, tho' no more, in martial pomp array'd,
Thy courser bears thee o'er th' embattled field,
To fire thy legions to heroic deeds,
From public life's parade
And brilliant scenes withdrawn,
Thou tread'st, perhaps alone, the spacious meads,
Or traversest the solitary lawn,
Or sit'st retir'd, from ev'ry eye conceal'd,
In some sequestred shade;
The silver trump of fame,
In loud triumphant sounds,
Shall thy exploits proclaim
To earth's remotest bounds.
Whenever commerce, to far distant climes,
Unvisited in former times,
O'er the broad ocean shall direct her way,
Of wealth new sources to explore,
And to the breeze
Columbia's stripes display,
In unfrequented seas
And ports unknown before,
Th' auspicious gales,
That swell her sails,
Shall waft thy praises o'er,
And thy great actions, O illustrious man!
By Heav'n and liberty inspir'd,
Shall be recounted and admir'd,
Through Persia, India, China and Japan,
E'en where fierce Hyperborean storms,
Impetuous raging in tremendous forms,
Lash the Norwegian or Lapponian coast,
In the bleak regions of the frigid zone,


And where old ocean roars
On Nova-Zembla's frozen shores,
Thy worth, thy native country's boast,
Shall to the rude inhabitants be shown;
Siberia's wand'ring bands shall hear
The deeds heroic thou hast done,
Thy virtuous character revere,
And propagate thy fame:
And, while they hail with loud acclaim,
The wond'rous chief unknown,
Kamschatka Tartars learn to lisp thy name.