University of Virginia Library



(“Tell her only,” said the dying husband, “to replace our ring upon her finger when I am no more.”—

(The Divorced.)

Thoughts, through Infinitude bleakly roving,
Thoughts, that to both were else forbidden,
Thoughts full—oh, full, to pain—of loving,
Were in its circle shrined and hidden,
By Faith and Reason there unchidden.
It gave the right to serve—to serve
One chosen being, loved so dearly
That we must thrill in every nerve
At aught which moved her soul sincerely,
At aught which touched her welfare nearly.
The right to feel—in soul to feel
That howe'er wanting we may be
To God—to man—we still can kneel
And thank him there is one that we
Make happy by our ministry.
Then wear the ring when I'm no more!
Wear it, though thou shouldst love again,
'Twill teach one truth till life is o'er—
He lived, who living but in pain,
While thou wast blest lived not in vain.