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Calmstorm, the reformer

A Dramatic Comment

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—A Chamber. Darkledge and Slinely.
It all works well; swiftly and excellently,
The cloud grows in the air and thickens
As it nears him; be silent and be cautious.

There is a summons drawn to be let slip
Against him for the old court-contempt,
When comes the moment fullest of distress
And swift to o'erwhelm him.

Be silent and be cautious, Darkledge—
There is no need we should be known in this;
Nature and Providence and excellent men
Work out our pure designs more surely
In a happy secresy, than could our hands,


If manifest to the world: hush, Darkledge—
The general mind by what the Organ oft
Hath spoken, is colored to a touch
For any figure we would draw therein.

The service of the summons shall be left
That it may seem the last and crowning act
Of the indignant people, eager, most
In vindication of Justice and the Law:
And shall be laid upon his evil head
Most lightning-like, when know we well
Your cunning under-plot has cut the roots beneath.

The whirlwind, Darkledge, that towards him sweeps,
Has lightning in its breast, and stony hail
And blinding darkness, deep beyond the elements.

There shall be no blow struck?

None other than the irresistible stroke
Wherewith the people's breath reverberates
In the doomed ear! No finger on him laid,—
Nor shall a single hair be touched by aught
Save by the awed and eager power within
The man, that in an hour may whiten it.

Sweet Judgeship, and high seat of power!
Oh, who could lose, without a pang,
The waiving courtesy of the men of worth,
The uplooking faces of the multitude,
The hushed and terrible awe of prisoners
At the charge!

We meet again in half an hour!

[Exeunt severally.