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Oh! wander, wander here
Fair maid, for sweet's the fountain,
That bubbles down in streamlets clear,
From yon tow'ring mountain.
Fly, whilst day is high—
Joys will here delight thee,
For more lovely is the sky,
Where I now invite thee.


Leave, Oh, leave the crowd
That in courts is thronging;
To noisy revel, laughter loud,
No pleasure is belonging.
Fly where life will spring
With rosy touch to meet thee;
And where love will bring
Songs of truth to greet thee.
There the strain of love,
Sweetest, is unchanging,
Our pulses still will gladly move,
With no desires for ranging.
There the song that meets
Your ling'ring ear at even,
Morning still repeats
As she springs from heaven.
Then sweetest, sweetest, fly
Where the fleeting hours
Skim along a clear blue sky,
Over beds of flow'rs.
Where thy lip will glow,
And thine eye will glisten,
Whilst young Love will vow,
And young Beauty listen.