University of Virginia Library

Jones also celebrated, in a gastronomic way,
That lucky date for humankind he called “Discovery Day;”
He furnished every novel dish that money could command,
Each new discovery how to spoil the works of Nature's hand;
He sent his minions marching through the whole preceding year,
For any new development of cooking quaint and queer.
Each course a revelation was—loud greeted with surprise,
And palatal expectancy, and interested eyes.
And once he turned unto their view a histrionic page:
Annexed unto his dining-room some scenery and a stage;
And when the rich unique dessert its place no longer knew,
The curtain rose, exhibiting a Spanish convent view;


With actors ready to begin a short historic play,
Full of material more or less appropriate to the day.
“These players are new aspirants, whom please do not condemn,”
He murmured to his smiling guests: “'fact, I discovered them.”