University of Virginia Library



Air—“Go to Dark Gethsemane.”

Sons and daughters of the free,
You who love the Tyrant's power,
Take a view of slavery,
Go with me one bitter hour;
Turn not from the scene away—
Come along without delay.
Follow to the throne of Grace,
There behold a kneeling pair;
Mark the difference in the face—
One is dark, the other fair.
Now they rise their joys to tell,
“Jesus has done all things well.”


But we must not tarry here;
Follow to the cotton field;
There behold those brothers dear,
Who were at the altar kneeled;
Here the white man tyrant reigns—
Binds his brother down with chains.
See him ply the bloody lash
To his sable brother's frame;
Every stroke he leaves a gash,
Bringing blood from every vein.
None for him can intercede;
Learn like this poor slave to bleed.
Follow to the Auction block,
There this sable brother's wife
Writhes in chains that's firmly locked,
Now she's sold a slave for life!
O! ye men with hearts of steel,
Learn like this poor slave to feel.
Follow on to yonder shed,
There's a fair young female tied
To the beam that's overhead,
While the lash is well applied,
By the minister of God!
Learn like her to bear the rod.
Listen to those doleful sounds;
Let us hasten to the spot!
'Tis the beying negro hounds!


There, their victims they have caught.
See him mangled! hear him cry!
Learn like the poor slave to die.