University of Virginia Library


Lest the painter's brush
condemns some of the better
graffiti to complete oblivion,
preserved below are a few of
the choicest scrawlings Mr.
Ratterree and Mr. Thomas
recorded. Apologies go to the
male portion of the audience;
the majority of the list may be
new to only the
graffiti-deprived female

Alderman Library

Nietzsche is pietzche

If Jesus is the answer, what was
the question?

Nostalgia isn't what it used to

Norman Graebner uses

Fayerweather Hall

You'll wonder where the
yellow went when we drop our
bombs on the Orient.

Rosemary's baby is a deviled

Please...don't throw toothpicks
in the toilet...these crabs can
pole vault

Old Cabell Hall

Grass will get you through
times of no money better than
money will get you through
times of no grass

Graffiti sucks

—Mrs. Graffiti

Campbell Hall

Jesus Saves but Moses Invests

Minor Hall

All graffiti has been moved to
the men's room in the
basement of Cocke Hall

Rouss Hall


Thornton Hall

B414Q, RU/18, QT&pgr;