University of Virginia Library

Camping Out

Furthermore, it is the
students who support the team
most vigorously and regularly.
If one wants to concede that
the basketball program is really
only a business enterprise in
disguise, then limiting the
number of students who can
see the games to 3,800 is fine,
since the rest of the seats will
be taken up by more profitable
customers. I think though, that
our basketball program still
falls into the category of a
program, not a business. Of
course money has to be made
and the bills paid, but is there
all that much more to be made
this way and more importantly
is it worth alienating a
substantial portion of the
student body?

The people who will be
upset will not just be those
who failed to get tickets to the
Maryland game since it may
very well be someone else the
next time. Those who lost out
this time will be sure to arrive
much earlier next time and
pretty soon people will be
taking their sleeping bags from
the dorms and moving them
out to U. Hall the night before
the tickets are distributed.