University of Virginia Library


"I think that's really what
this case is all about," Cr.
Bender said. "The government
doesn't want me
particularly it wants to
intimidate all the people and
organizations that have been
helping young people avoid the
draft. They want to get the
lawyers, the doctors and
psychiatrists, the draft

"In a way, the strategy is
already working, Even though
my son won his case, and I
may win mine, the government
has still intimidated a lot of
people. It's getting to be like
McCarthyism again-some old
friends don't call me any
more," Dr. Bender added,
noting that others who wanted
to aid him insisted on
contributing to his defense
fund with cash, not checks.
"And very few of the
professional people I know are
willing to take risks any
longer," he said.