University of Virginia Library


The Redskins won the openers
without Jurgensen, and the Senate
won first-round picks in the college
draft (I told you not to count on
it), while the draft hill is brought
out in the open and ex-Wahoo Sen.
John Stennis whips it out on the
floor, and when? No deadline was
set again for U.S. troop
withdrawal, ex-Wahoo Sen. Ted
Kennedy votes for it, and an added
bonus is thrown in, I hate to tell
you this, kids, but college
determents are guess what?
"heartbreaking," sez the Prez about
the Senators.....oh, those

I broke into asthmatic sneezes.
Not even the President, Congress,
and a vacancy on the Supreme
Court could keep baseball in
Washington Who, who (except
Ralph Nader, of course) has power