University of Virginia Library



Summer Sublet - 2 bdrm. Towne
House 1½ baths: A/C, dishwasher;
wall-to-wall carp., furn., 3 blocks
from Corner & Grounds; $130/mo.
Call 295-6996.

Summer Sublet: 3 bdrm, 2 bath,
liv., kitchen, 3 min. drive, - furn.
$185. Call 296-5924.

Summer Sublet Hayes Gardens, 2
bdrm, furn., gas, water incl., A/C,
Rent nego. 293-7645.

Female ROOMMATES Wanted -
Furn. 3 bdrm House w/liv. rm.,
kitchen, 2 bath, air-cond., 2 places
avail. $68 utilities incl. Call Carolyn

House, 2 upstairs bdrm, 4 downst.
rms. incl. lg. kitchen - separate
dining area. Compl. furn., directly
behind Law School. Asking around
$100/mo., will nego. Call

University Heights - furn. apt. Fall
and/or summer. Call Ken 295-2438,
Darryl 296-3574.

Summer Sublet: New Country
Duplex, 3 bdrm & baths, furn.,
$195/mo., 296-8884 after 6 p.m.

135 Madison Lane - Renting for
Sept. - 1 bed furn. $115 per mo.

Summer - 2 roommates for peaceful
residential apt., furn., 2 bdrm,
kitchen, air-cond., cable T.V., rent
nego. 296-5923.

Summer Sublet - Furn. 3 bdrm apt.,
A/C, pool, dishes, everything - was
$200 NOW $145. Call 295-0227.

Sublet, 1 bdrm furn, apt, TV cable.
1 block from Rotunda. Avail, now
$95/mo., 295-6702.

house, 2 bath, lg. yard, 5 min, walk,
furn., terms nego., 295-0305.

SUMMER SUBLET - 1 bdrm apt.,
furn., A/C, 2 min. walk to
Rotunda, $90. Call 293-6821.

We are subletting TUDOR GABLES
for the 1st time. 4 bdrm Tudor
House with stone walls, cherry
panelling & a huge fireplace, 30 ft.
vaulted celling. Queen Anne &
Amer. Empire furniture. 45 sec.
from the Law School., probably
the most desirable residence
appurtenant to the grounds (other
than Carrs Hill). Responsible
persons who won't disturb the
Romance-Conti in the wine cellar.
Avail. June to Sept., Call 6-4413
Reas. Rates.

spacious 2 bdrm Woodrow apt. —
adjoins grounds. Call 296-8828
Rent Nego.

T.K.E. SUBLET: entire summer,
$100 private, $75 share double,
1508 Grady Ave. Call Jeff

Summer Sublet: spacious Woodrow
Apt., furn., A/C, 2 bdrm, parking,
excel. location., Call 293-2247.

Summer Sublet - 2 bdrm apt.
w/wooded overlook - A/C - full
kitchen, pool, wall-to-wall carpet.
Rent nego. Phone 296-0903.

Female Roommate for Summer.
1800 Jeff. Pk. Ave. Pool, A/C, own
room. 973-6209 (after 10 p.m.)

Summer Sublet — 411 Brandon
Ave. 1 bdrm apt., alot of room &
extras. Call 296-2286.

SUMMER SUBLET: 2 blocks, 2
bdrm, porch. Nice. Call 295-7916.

Summer Sublet: choicest 1800
Jefferson Park., 3 bdrm., A/C
wall-to-wall carpeting, liv. rm.,
study, balcony w/view, pool,
kitchen, dishwasher, 5 min. walk.
Best offer, call 296-8341.

Summer Sublet - 2 bdrm., liv. rm.,
dining rm., kitchen, A/C swimming
pool. 5 min. from Cabell Hall.
Contact Alex 295-8463.


MGB 1970 - yellow, overdrive, wire
wheels, excel. cond. $2400. Call
Steve 296-0634.

'71 HONDA CL 450, Brand new -
700 ml. - must sell. Also '70
Jack Sherry 295-6498 betw, 8-10

HAROLD needs a HOME! '61
Chevy LOVINGLY owned by girls'
suite - $175 (ouch!) 296-1311.

FOR SALE: 1963 Ford Galaxie
500, Good Cond. only $350. Call

PORSCHE: 1965 C Coup.
Excellent condition. Blaupunkt
radio, ski rack, chrome wheels,
radial tires, Price $2300 firm. Call
Jack Hug, 296-2600, afternoons or
evenings or write 2031 Hessian Rd.,
Charlottesville, 22903.

Hondas - New Hondas at up to
$350 below list. For info,

'65 CORVAIR 4-door, outstanding
engine, rec. repainted, snow tires
incl., new Va. tags $300 or best
offer 296-4568.

'63 Porche 356B Coupe. British
Racing Green. 1st class cond.
throughout. Recently rebuilt
engine, clutch. New Paint, tires,
brakes. $2200. After 6 p.m. call
946-7208 or 381-5725 (Sweet

Mustang 1969 Fastback, V-8,
Konis, mags, wide ovals, driving
lights, stereo tape, numerous extras.

HONDA 175 '69 Scrambler, low
mileage, excel. cond., $425 or best
offer. Call Bob Lipman 295-6202.
or 296-4535.

Victim of Motorcycle fever must
part w/ '67 ROVER T.C. - red. Got
$1500. or bike to trade? John

1967 Alfa Romeo Giulia Super, 4
door sedan, 5 speed gearbox, Pirelli
res, AM radio, rebuilt engine,
$700 or best offer. Call 293-6891
after 6:00 P.M.

'68 Karmann Ghia convertible, Red
w/ black top & interior, excel.
mech. cond., Call Jerry after 5 at


RCA R/R stereo tape recorder —
$100 or, best offer. Call Bill

Garrard SL 55B Turntable w/base,
dust cover & pickering V-15/ace-3
Stereo cartridge. 1 mo. old $50.

Two AR-3a Speakers. 1 yr. old. 4
yrs. guar. still left. Like new. Cost
$500 new. Sell for $295. 293-9619.

LWV Day Care Survey planned in
May needs volunteers. Call Nancy
O'Brien 293-8480.

Married Graduate Student desires
to rent Air Cond. furn./unfurn. apt.
for summer session. Full payment
in advance for right price. Write
immed. to 915 Camelot Dr. - Apt.
33, Salem, Va. or call 342-0934
after 7 p.m.

Wanted: Organist in the fall.
Episcopal Church of Our Saviour.
Phone 973-6512 a.m.; 296-6671

"AMBITIOUS MEN of all trades
north, to ALASKA and YUKON,
around $2800 a month. For
complete infor. write to JOB
RESEARCH, P.O. Box 161, Stn-A,
Toronto, Ont. Enclose $4 to cover


People having debts w/ Ski Team
must leave vouchers in Box 91x of
Newcomb Hall by May 7.

WANTED: Student, knowledgeable
about bicycles, and with small
amount of capital, to sell Peugeot,
Ge, Anquetil and Atala bikes
for me in Charlottesville area, esp.
near campus. Write or call: Watson
Morris, 425 West Cameron Avenue.
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. (919)
967-4738. Large commission.

Wanted - ironing to do in home -
Call Mrs. Massie - will work out
price with you. 295-3546.

16mm. Bell & Howell movie camera
& 8 lenses. $400 or best offer.

Camera Center: Studio - Passports
& identifications - 913 W. Main -

Typing Wanted at home - Thesis.
Dissertations, Law Papers, etc.
Papers Proofread after typed.
Telephone: 973-6053.