University of Virginia Library

Dean Smith's Gang

University Hall will once again reverberate
with the cheers and howl of a partisan student
crowd Saturday afternoon when Coach Dean
Smith's North Carolina basketball squad hits
the floor. Virginia will be looking for a
victory over the top rated Tar Heels to put
themselves back on a winning track prior to
the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament.
We are confident of a University victory, but
we hope that the game will not be marred
once again by the obnoxious activities that
have characterized home games this year.

Of course, we are referring to the tasteless
chants, the throwing of articles on the
basketball court after a questionable call, and
the vicious verbal barrage directed towards
individuals on the opposing team. These
actions do nothing, but discredit the
University in the eyes of visitors who attend
or watch the game. It certainly does not act as
a positive catalyst for the Virginia team,
rather it incites the same rowdy behavior
from students at other schools when the team
is away.

This Saturday's game will be broadcasted
all over the ACC four state area and, since the
game matches two of the top contenders for
the ACC tournament, will be closely watched
by thousands of viewers. Another rotten
display by University students will confirm in
their minds the growing reputation for
kindergarten mentality of the Virginia fans.

Coach Gibson and his players have
requested that the students of the University
refrain from throwing paper and yelling
obscenities (i.e. making fools of themselves).
We urge you to listen to his admonishment
and to remember that your actions in this
situation will reflect upon the image of the
University all across the South. The Virginia
basketball team has performed admirably this
year both from the standpoint of athletic
prowess and behavior during the contest. We
think that they deserve your support by
attendance and enthusiastic cheering, but not
by showing hostility towards the visiting team
or by interrupting the game with a shower of
paper cups and ice.