University of Virginia Library

Mozart Arias

Two Mozart arias, from his
operas The Magic Flute and Don
Giovanni respectively, delighted the
audience, and despite some quite
audible straining on the high notes,
they came off beautifully and with
a lot of style. Mr. Burrows so
enjoyed the audience that he
substituted Donizetti's "Una furtiva
lagrima" for one of the Massenet
arias. I'd rather have heard the
Massenet as it is rarely performed,
but this was Mr. Burrows way of
saying "thank you" three-quarters
through the program, and comes
from a tradition long established by
Caruso, Valetti, and other great
tenors. It was very beautifully sung.

The evening was rounded by an
aria from Verdi's Luisa Miller and
Cilea's "E la solita storia del
pastore", and brought the audience
to its feet for a very long ovation,
which was further rewarded when
Mr. Burrows sang another Mozart

Reminder: Joel Lazar conducts
the University/Community
Orchestra in a free concert this
Friday at 8:30 p.m. in Cabell Hall.