University of Virginia Library

Chip In

Unfortunately the recent John Mayall Lighthouse
concert co-sponsored by WUVA
and the Student Council did not gross all of
the funds necessary for a successful program
for recruitment of black students.

The Admissions Office in an effort to
attract highly qualified black students to the
University needs money to institute an
effective recruiting program. The Admissions
people hope to erase the image of the
University of Virginia as an unattainable white
men's school.

More than just scattered trips by representatives
of the Admissions Office to a number
of predominately black high schools are now
planned. With sufficient financial support it is
hoped that large numbers of younger
(sophomore and junior students) blacks can
be brought to Charlottesville to have a look at
the Grounds, to grow accustomed to the
atmosphere, and to meet both black and
white students who are currently enrolled.

Through this exposure and through interested
alumni word should begin to spread
among black students about the increasing
opportunities available to them at the
University. The Admissions Office could then
expect rising numbers of applications for
admission including those of many fine students who are leaving the state for what
they believe will be a more congenial racial
atmosphere and a fairer education.

Hopefully a trip to Charlottesville will go a
long way in dispelling the hostile image of the
University that currently exists in some black
circles. Of course, to bring any number of
black students to Charlottesville and to
provide a decent presentation will require
some money.

The Administration has earmarked a
thousand dollars for the project and some
funds have been received from the profits of
the concert. The Virginia Council on Human
Relations presented the Admissions Office
with a three hundred dollar check and the Z
Society has contributed a hundred dollars to
the black recruitment program.

We urge all members of the University
community to contribute to this important
project which will help to further the drive to
make the University a more equitable
institution racially.