University of Virginia Library

What Reform?

Of course, the Committee still
must decide when reform is needed
in the system. Currently, the
Committee is working with opinion
polls to give them a reliable idea
about how the students here think
in terms of the Honor System.
Members of the present Committee
readily admit that just finding a
viable mechanism for change has
taken up much of their investigative
time this year.

Next year's Committee will be
faced with the problem of really
finding out what the students
believe on any questionable
provision or area of the system.
They will also have the
responsibility of deciding just when
there is a lack of consensus which
warrants a change. If there is a big

enough lack of consensus, the new
Committee will have to devise an
intelligent alternative which will
alleviate the problem.

Next year's Committee will also
be faced with the annual problems
which are confronted in
administering the system. One of
the biggest tasks of the Committee
is the chore of presenting an
effective orientation to new
students. The work on this huge
project starts soon after election
time and culminates in September.
While many University students are
enjoying their summer vacations
the Honor Committee spends the
summer in hot Charlottesville busy
at work.

There is much more work than
just orientating the new first-year
men in September. All of the new
graduate students, new faculty
members, and summer school
students receive an intensive
presentation of the workings and
principles of the system.

As part of this communication
the Committee attempts to make
sure that the incoming student is
aware that he is entering a
community of mutual trust bound
by an honor system. According to
Mr. Clement the new student
"touches base" with the system
seven times before he really
into his own daily University

After reading a short
explanation of the Honor System,
the hopeful University student signs
an agreement to aide by it when
applying for admittance. During the
summer incoming students receive
letters from the Committee and
from the President of their
particular school welcoming them
to the University and briefly
explaining the system. A "Blue
Sheet" is enclosed with these

Immediately as the new student
arrives in September he receives a
letter from the Committee
delivered by his dormitory
counselor. During his orientation he
hears an address on the system by a
distinguished Faculty member or
alumni, an explanation of the
system by his counselor, and asks
members of the Committee often
perplexing questions during their
September visits to the dorms. The |