University of Virginia Library

Newest Star

As for Blythe Danner's flighty
interpretation of Jill, well, let me
just say that it is good enough to
make her the theatre's newest star.
Displaying the same effervescent
personality and irrepressible vitality
she did in Lincoln Center's production
of "The Miser" last May, she
gives an added dimension to the
kooky-blonde-next-door image.
She's also a girl who, if you aren't
careful, you might find yourself in
love with before the evening is over.

Unlike many comedy directors,
Milton Katselas has treated the
characters as people rather than
merely joke machines. There is
little he can do along these lines
with a minor, unfortunate character
that lacks the depth of the others.
But, for the most part, Mr.
Katselas' staging rises to Mr. Gershe's
script - and vice versa.