University of Virginia Library

Eating Manners

Dear Sir:

I am a newcomer to Charlottesville
and work for the University.
Would you please explain something
to me although I believe I
know a partial answer.

I occasionally the evening
meal in the cafeteria in Newcomb
Hall. This is the cafeteria for visitors,
old and young females and

If I could spell it I'd say the
student dress is atrocious and table
manners not much better. Why, is
my question. I realize many have
just come from the playing fields.
Could they not use the parlors
available and discuss their plays
and misplays of the day?

My point is that no one is going
to teach these men to be any
better. Perhaps I'm way off base,
but my interest is hopeful.

N. A. Campbell
Children and Youth Center
Dept. Of