University of Virginia Library

Papers Published

Having worked with LSD and other
similar drugs since 1956, Dr. Buckman
has published twelve papers and a book
on the subject, "Lysergic Acid and
Ritalin in the Treatment of Neurosis."
His research has been primarily in the
field of psychotherapy and the treatment
of neurosis.

Dr. Buckman said that all hallucinogens
affect the brain by disturbing
the chemistry of the synapses, thus
"altering one's psychic experience of
the world." Most users, he stated, take
them for the sensation produced, consisting
ideally of euphoria, elation, and
fantasy, which is often of a sexual

"However," he added, "the effects
are not generally related to antisocial
conduct; the drugs principally amplify
the underlying nature of the personality."

Most people who use marijuana, he
noted, will at most "take it only a few
times and forget about it." He felt that
it was seldom that the average adolescent
is led to other habit-forming drugs
by marijuana.