University of Virginia Library

Society Of Peace, Love

They visualize a society which lives off of
peace and love and each other. The Free Store
and the Diggers stew in the park are the first
outcroppings of this new socialistic community.

"Before, no one was really sure where we
were going," a hippie called Wizard (he had
received a B.S. in Chemistry) told me. "We
only knew where we'd been and that was a
bummer. The kids were looking for something
new and the drugs were there. A lot of people
got pretty sick from the more powerful stuff.
We can rationalize that by saying we were
young, we were just beginning. We've learned
a lot from our mistakes. Now there are a lot
of things to be done and we know we can't
do them if we're stoned. We're working at
forming a Utopia, an ideal that perhaps will
never be realized, but we want people to see
our dreams as we see them. The drug scene
is a real hang-up to most straights, and that
shades their thoughts of us, although I think
most of them see the good we are achieving
and really believe in us."