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This portion of the Board meeting began at 2:45 p.m; the various Committee Chairs drew Members' attention to the Minutes of the meetings of their Committees held on March 13th and, in the case of the Finance Committee, on April 12th. Mr. Caputo, the Chair of the External Affairs Committee, pointed out that the Campaign figures given to his Committee in March can now be revised with the March figures, just now available. Some $17million in gifts were received in March and the total amount raised in the Campaign by the end of March stood at $1.19billion

At 2:50 p.m., the Board recessed for a short meeting of the Buildings and Grounds Committee (the Minutes of that meeting appear, separately, as Minutes of the Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting of April 13, 2007).

The Board resumed meeting as the full Board at 2:55 p.m., and heard a presentation by Dr. Vaughan on behalf of the Medical Center Operating Board. His report covered the Medical Center in general, touching on budget, scope and outreach of the Medical Center, the role of the Health Services Foundation, faculty and student issues in the Medical School, research, rankings and new buildings.

This portion of the meeting ended at 3:30 p.m.