University of Virginia Library


The following elections were approved:

Miss Mildred Cates, Instructor in Home Economics, at a salary of $3000 for the session
of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1952.

Mr. Albert G. Duke, Instructor in Radio and Speech, at a salary of $3000 for the session
of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1952.

Mr. Albert R. Klein, Instructor in Dramatic Arts, at a salary of $2880 for the session
of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1952.

Mrs. Elena Krupenski, Instructor in Ceramics and Art Appreciation, at a salary of $2880
for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1952.

Mr. William C. Pinschmidt, Jr., Instructor in Biology, at a salary of $2880 for the
session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1952.

Miss Teresa Shelton, Instructor in Physical Education, at a salary of $3000 for the
session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 15, 1952. This is a one year appointment.