University of Virginia Library


President Darden read the following from the Superintendent of Albemarle Public Schools:

"As you perhaps know, the Charlottesville City School Board recently decided not to accept
additional County pupils into their elementary schools next year. This fact, in addition to the
greatly overcrowded condition at our McIntire School, makes it imperative that we seek additional
teaching space for the coming session.

"On behalf of the Albemarle County School Board, I should like to request permission from
the University of Virginia for one or two of the old barracks on Copeley Hill to be used as classrooms
for the session 1952-53. Our repair force would do the necessary work to make these buildings
usable, such as erecting partitions and painting the interiors. . . . . . .

"I shall greatly appreciate your help in this matter, since we are in a most difficult

"With many thanks for the fine way you have worked with us in the past and for your consideration
of our present problem, I am"

After discussion, the proposal was approved with the proviso that the Albemarle County
School Board furnish the University with a statement that it would save the University harmless in
the use of University property for this purpose.