University of Virginia Library



A resolution passed by the Virginia Law School Association was presented.

WHEREAS, the General Assembly has appropriated $300,000 for the construction of an addition
to the Law School Building at the University, subject to release only when the Governor has certified
that labor, materials and other facilities can be obtained at reasonable cost; and

WHEREAS the Governor has so far refrained from so certifying with respect to this and a
number of other similar appropriations; and

WHEREAS, this Association feels that the need for an addition to the Law Building is most
pressing, and that there is no prospect that building costs will decrease at any time within the
near future,

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Association respectfully urges the Governor to
certify that labor, materials and other facilities for the construction of said addition to the Law
Building can now be obtained at reasonable cost, thereby enabling work to proceed on this much-needed
addition to the facilities of the Law School.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this Association present copies of this resolution
to the Governor and also to the President and Rector of the Board of Visitors of the University.

President Darden stated that the Governor has authorized expenditures for architectural
fees but not for construction.