University of Virginia Library



The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty of Mary Washington

Mrs. Leatrice Grove as Instructor in Psychology, part-time, for the second semester of the
academic session 1960-1961, at one-half salary in the amount of $1,200.

Mrs. Nancy Mitchell as Instructor in English, part-time, for the second semester of the
academic session 1960-1961, at one-fifth salary in the amount of $550.

Mr. James Youniss as Instructor in Psychology, part-time, for the second semester of the
academic session 1960-1961, at one-third salary in the amount of $800.


The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following members of the faculty of Mary Washington College be and they are hereby
granted leaves of absence

Miss Rosemary Herman, Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, with half pay, for
the session 1961-1962, in order to further her study toward her doctorate in Spanish at the
University of Wisconsin.

Miss Anna Scott Hoye, Associate Professor in Physical Education, with half pay, for the
session 1961-1962, in order to continue her course of study toward her doctorate in Physiology
at the University of Wisconsin.


The Chancellor announced the following resignation

Mrs. John C. Russell, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, effective 1 February 1961,
for reasons of health.


The Chancellor reported to the Board the death of Dr. Minnie Rob Phaup, Assistant Professor
of Psychology, who died unexpectedly on 28 December 1960. Miss Phaup had been at Mary Washington
College since September 1958, and only last June received her doctorate from George Washington
University. Previously she had taught at Wells College and Converse College.


The Chancellor recommended that the new dormitory at Mary Washington College be named in
honor of Mary Ambler Marshall, wife of Chief Justice John Marshall.

The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the new dormitory, occupied in September 1960, be and it is hereby named in honor of Mary
Ambler Marshall.


The Chancellor reported on the increase, in September 1960, of student fees in the amount of
$75 as authorized by the Board at its meeting on 10 June 1960. The revenue derived from this
increase had been used exclusively to finance the new faculty salary scale which went into effect
on 1 September 1960. Copies of the new fee schedule were distributed to each member of the Board
and a copy was ordered to be placed in the Board files



The Chancellor reported the receipt of an anonymous gift of five $1,000 bonds, issued by the
American and Foreign Power Company. The bonds are 4.8 junior debenture 1987. The Secretary was
instructed to write a letter of thanks to the donor for this gift.


The Chancellor reported that final arrangements had been concluded for the acceptance of the
principal and the division of the income of the Gari Melchers Memorial Endowment Fund. The securities
representing the principal have been delivered to the State-Planters Bank of Commerce
and Trusts to be added to the Consolidated Endowment Fund of the University.

In order that the transfer might be officially concluded, the Chancellor proposed and the
Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the University accepts $112,707.53 in securities and $2,558.14 in cash representing the principal
of the Gari Melchers Memorial Endowment Fund, as determined by the State Treasurer and the
Auditor of Public Accounts and as approved by the Finance Committee of this Board and the Virginia
Museum of Fine Arts, and that the University agrees to the distribution of income which on 31
December 1960 amounted to $23,829.03


The Chancellor reported that the standard teaching load at Mary Washington College had been
15 hours. He stated that long-range plans called for a gradual reduction of the teaching load to
12 hours, beginning in certain departments of the College. He pointed out that one result of this
reduction would be the need for additional teaching personnel. His plans were to reduce teaching
loads in certain departments to 12 hours and to request the instructors to devote the three hours
formerly spent in teaching to counseling and guidance work and conferences with students.

Following the Chancellor's presentation, there was a general discussion of the financial implications
of this proposal. Specific consideration will be given to this proposal when the 19611962
budget for Mary Washington College is presented.


The Chancellor presented a general review of the applications for admission for the academic
year 1961-1962. A notable increase in the number of applications had resulted and it appeared that
a larger percentage of the applicants given admission would be Virginians.


The Rector announced the appointment of Mrs. Belva Dunn Jones as Chairman of the Mary Washington
College Committee, effective 11 February 1961, to succeed the late Fred B. Greear.