University of Virginia Library


Mr. Black read the following letter from Professor Wright.

President Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Sir:

I was informed this morning by Mr. Gooch that he understood that Dr. Snavely had said that
the question of approval or nonapproval of Mr. Barr's course had been discussed in our faculty and
that we had voted to approve.

I wish to say that this is entirely untrue. We have had no meetings on the question of
approval or nonapproval and, as Mr. Barr has not had the courtesy to submit to us his reading list,
we are not in a position to decide one way or the other.

I am very sorry to have to raise the issue which I sincerely hoped would have been avoided,
but I am obliged to point out that as things stand now there is no authority for the teaching of
History 16 and 17 unless the Board of Visitors is willing to override the faculty and set up the
course on its own authority.

May I say how deeply I regret this incident which could have been so easily avoided.

Yours very truly,
(signed) David Wright
David McCord Wright

The President stated that he had replied to Mr. Wright's letter, and read his reply.

After discussion it developed as the sense of the Board that faculty approval of the
proposed course of instruction to be given under Mr. Barr's direction should be given according to
established faculty procedure, and Mr. Darden was requested to determine whether this had been done
and to correct the situation if the customary faculty procedure has not been followed.