University of Virginia Library

The concern of this letter
deals with the punishment
enforced upon four of your fellow
students last week. We hope
this warning will prevent your
becoming involved in the type
of circumstances in which we
were involved.

On Wednesday night during
orientation week the four of us,
left a party on the grounds to
go swimming. The pool was at
an apartment complex near
where one of us lives. Although
we were not residents and
knew the pool was closed to
everyone after midnight it
seemed like harmless fun to
sneak over the fence and splash

Unfortunately, such fun had
become too common and the
apartment owners had decided
to take action against the next
violators. In this case we were
the next violators and the
action involved the calling of
the Charlottesville police and
our arrest for trespassing.

Through legal agreements
because of our status as
Virginia students, our case was
brought before the University
Judiciary Committee instead of
the Charlottesville Municipal
Courts. At trial we each
received written reprimands
which will remain on our
records for one year, and of
course our arrest records still
stand: strong action for a bit of
"innocent fun!"

We write to warn the
University of the potential
problems that can be caused
repeating this act of
trespassing. Through
discussions with the Resident
Manager, he has informed us
that if a similar act is
committed he will be forced to
take the offenders to the
Judiciary Committee or
alternatively, "downtown."
And please remember that, as
in our case, the chances of
death and injury in the
unlighted unguarded pool were
obvious. Therefore be
forewarned, if it's a pool off
the grounds, it's not yours.

Philip Carll
Linda Kliewer
Blin Vose
Bill Pope