University of Virginia Library

Cyclists Collide

Two cyclists attempting to
avoid a pedestrian at the
McCormick Road–Cabell Drive
intersection collided yesterday
injuring one of the riders.

College first-year man
Kenneth Ding was admitted to
the University, Hospital about
11:30 a.m. yesterday with a
fractured jaw. A spokesman for
the hospital reported Mr. King
to be in satisfactory condition.

According to Security Chief
Rea G. Houchens, third-year
Graduate Arts and Science
student Timothy Gohmann
and Mr. King were proceeding
in opposite directions along
McCormick Road when College
second-year student Debbie
Gross crossed into the paths of
the oncoming bicycles. Mr.
Gohmann and Mr. King
swerved in the same direction
to avoid Miss Gross and
slammed into each other.

Miss Gross stated that she
was crossing the pavement in
front of Cabell Drive at the
time of the accident.