University of Virginia Library

Hanover County

57. Ashland Parish: St. James church, Ashland.

Register, 1857-74d, 1876-1907d (including copy of some records prior to 1876);
1875-81d (private register including Sunday school records, 1888-89).

Vestry book, 1875-96v; 1896+d.

Historical sketch d by E. L. Goodwin, 1912, in Register, 1876-1907.

58. St. Paul's Parish.

Vestry book, 1705-85v (and photostat copy v).

Samuel B. Chilton, "The colonial Episcopal church in Hanover County, Va." [n. d.]
(typew. d).

See also St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, from which St. Paul's Parish was
cut off in 1705.

59. St. Paul's Parish: Immanuel church, Old Church.

Records, 1815-1926 (and photostat copy v).

Register, 1850-1900; 1890+.

Historical sketch by William Macon.

60. St. Paul's Parish: St. Paul's church, Hanover.

Register, 1857-87d; 1857-1913.

Vestry book, 1875-85d (in Register, 1857-87, including scattered minutes of the congregation
to 1906).