![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |

Literary and Scientific Department.
Prof. Peters.
The subjects taught in this school are the Latin Language and Literature,
with the History of Rome. The School is divided into three
classes: Junior, Intermediate, and Senior.
Text Books—Junior Class—Cæsar, Ovid, Sallust.
Intermediate Class—Cicero, Virgil, Terence, Livy.
Senior Class—Cicero, Horace, Livy, Juvenal,
Grammars.—Zumpt's, Gildersleeve's, Harrison's Exposition of the
Laws of the Latin Language.
Lexicons.—Andrew's, or Freund's Leverett.
History.—Browne's Roman Literature, Liddell's Rome, Long's
Instruction is given by lectures and by examinations upon the portions
of text assigned for recitation. The exercises of rendering
Latin into English, and English into Latin, in writing, constitute a
prominent feature in the course. In addition to the portions of the
several authors read in the lecture room, a course of extra and parallel
reading is required in each class.
The Professor of Latin will also give instruction in Sanskrit.
Text-Books.—Monier Williams' Grammar, Benfey's Lexicon, selections
from the Mahâ-Bhârata.
Prof. Gildersleeve.
The School is divided into three classes: Junior, Intermediate; and
Senior. The method of instruction comprises lectures (systematic and
exegetical), examinations, written and oral exercises.

Junior Class.—The Junior Class is intended especially for those
who desire to make a thorough review of the inflections and to
acquire a practical familiarity with the great principles of the language.
The only author read in this class is Xenophon.
Grammar.—Kühner's Elementary.
Intermediate Class.—Lysias, Xenophon, Herodotus, Homer,
and Demosthenes.
Senior Class.—Thucydides, Sophocles, Euripides, and Plato.
Grammars.—Hadley's, Kühner's, Goodwin's Moods and Tenses.
Liddell and Scott's Lexicon, Smith's History of Greece.
A private course of parallel and preparatory reading is also prescribed
for each class.
The weekly exercises constitute a prominent feature in the plan of
Post Graduate Department.—The Post Graduate Department
has been instituted for the benefit of graduates and others who wish
to pursue a more extended course of reading. The authors read in
this department are such as are either by their form or subjects less
suited for the regular school, e. g. Æschylus, Aristophanes, and
In the examinations of candidates for graduation in Latin and
Greek, the passages given for the written translations are selected,
not from the portions of authors which have been read and explained
in the lecture room, but from the classic writers at will.
The Professor of Greek will also give instruction in Hebrew whenever
the demand for such instruction is sufficient to make the institution
of a course of lectures expedient.
Prof. Schele de Vere.
The subjects taught in this School are:
1. The French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages.
2. The Literature of these languages, and the History of each
idiom, embracing the general principles of the formation and growth
of languages, and of Comparative Grammar and Philology.

3. The Anglo-Saxon language, and, in connection with it, the History
and Laws of the English language.
Graduation in French and German is required for the degree of
A. M.
Text Books.—Junior Class—The Professor's Grammar and First
Reader, Télémaque, Charles XII.
Senior Class—The Professor's Grammar, Advanced Reader,
Molière, Racine, Voltaire, Saintine's Picciola, Spiers and Surenne's
Junior Class—Otto's Grammar, Whitney's Reader, Schiller's
William Tell.
Senior Class—Whitney's Grammar, Adler's Dictionary, Schiller's
Works, Gœthe's Autobiography, Jean Paul's Walt und Vult.
The Professor's Grammar, Seoane's Dictionary, Velasquez' Reader,
Don Quixote, Calderon's El Principe Constante.
Bacchi's Grammar, Monti's Reader, Manzoni's I Promessi Sposi,
Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata, Pellico's Le Mie Prigioni, Dictionary.
Shute's Manual of Anglo-Saxon, The Professor's Studies in English.
Prof. M'Guffey.
Text Books:
1. Hamilton's Lectures on Metaphysics.
2. Hamilton's Lectures on Logic.
3. Schuyler's Principles of Logic.
4. Cousin's True, Beautiful, and Good.
5. Jouffroy's Ethics.
6. Stewart's Active and Moral Powers.
7. Alexander's Moral Science.
8. Butler's Analogy and Sermons.
The above books are used in the order named.
Three lectures each week are given.

Prof. Holmes.
This School is divided into two distinct classes — one of History
and one of Literature and Rhetoric. To each, two Lectures in the
week are regularly devoted; but exercises in literary composition
are required from the members of the Literary Class. Each study
may be pursued separately.
Class of History.
In the Historical Class the successions, revolutions, and various
aspects of the principal nations of the world are considered in such a
manner as to afford a general and connected view of the progress of
political and social organizations. Institutions and laws are noted as
the manifestations of different phases of society; an attempt is made
to discover and elucidate the conditions of historical advancement,
and to refer the changes of nations and governments to the operation
of regular principles.
Text Books—Schmitz's Manual of Ancient History; Smith's History
of Greece; Gibbon, Abridged by Smith; Taylor's Manual of Modern
For reference — Long's Ancient Atlas; Appleton's (College) Atlas,
or Chambers' Atlas; Blair's Chronology (Bohn's edition.)
Class of Literature and Rhetoric.
In the Class of Literature and Rhetoric, the English Language,
English Composition, Rhetoric, and the English Classics, with the
History of English Literature, are studied.
The origin, growth and philological peculiarities of the Language
are considered; the various influences, domestic and external, by
which it has been brought to its present condition are explained; the
general principles of Rhetoric and Criticism are taught; the lives of
the most eminent authors in the language are treated in their historical
order and connection; and the critical examination and
appreciation of their chief productions occupy much of the time of
the student. The class will also be required to practise Literary
Text Books—Angus's Hand Book of the English Tongue; Jamieson's

Literature, Ed. Smith and Tuckerman; Student's Specimens of English
Literature, Ed. Shaw and Smith, London.
Shakespeare's Complete Works; Milton's Poetical Works.
For instruction in Oratory or spoken composition, those portions
of Dr. Broadus's Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons,
which are appropriate to secular purposes, are specially commended.
Political Economy.
In the Class of Political Economy, temporarily connected with this
School, the Text-Books, heretofore and still used, are Say's Political
Economy, and Mill's (J. S.) Political Economy. Two lectures a week
are given.
Prof. Venable.
This School embraces two distinct departments or courses:
1. Pure Mathematics.
2. Mixed Mathematics.
Pure Mathematics.
In the course of Pure Mathematics there are three classes, Junior,
Intermediate, and Senior.
Junior Class.—Theory of Arithmetical Operations and Notation,
Algebra, Geometry and Geometrical Conic Sections, with discussions
of the Ancient Geometrical Analysis, the Theory of Transversals, and
other subjects of Modern Geometry. The preparation desirable for
this class is the thorough study of Arithmetic, of Algebra through
Equations of the Second Degree, and of the first four books of Legendre
or Euclid.
Intermediate Class.—Plane and Spherical Trigonometry with
Applications, Analytical Geometry of two Dimensions, the Theory of
Equations, and Elements of Descriptive Geometry.
Senior Class.—Analytical Geometry of three Dimensions, the
Differential and Integral Calculus with applications to the Theory of
Probabilities, and the Determination of Mean Values and Centres of
Gravity, and the Calculus of Variations. Lectures are given to this
class on the History of Mathematics, and on some points in Controversial
Mathematics, with brief discussions of the elements of Trilinear

Complex Functions, and of the principles of the Method of Quaternions.
Text Books.—Junior Class—Venable's Higher Arithmetic, Todhunter's
Algebra, Legendre's Geometry. For reference and examples,
Pott's Euclid.
Intermediate Class.—Snowball's Trigonometry, Law's Logarithms,
Puckle's Conic Sections (Analytical Geometry), Church's Descriptive
Geometry. For reference, Todhunter's Theory of Equations.
Senior Class.—Aldis' Solid Geometry, Courtenay's Calculus,
Todhunter's Differential and Integral Calculus.
In the Junior Class there are three lectures each week; in the Intermediate
Class, two lectures each week; in the Senior Class, three
lectures each week.
Mixed Mathematics.
This course is designed for those students who may desire to prosecute
their studies beyond the limits of the Pure Mathematics. It
embraces Applications of the Differential and Integral Calculus to
selected portions of Mechanics, Physics, and Physical Astronomy.
There is one class in the Mixed Mathematics.
In the Class of Mixed Mathematics there are two lectures each
The instruction in each class in the School of Mathematics is conveyed
partly by lectures and partly by the systematic study of
approved text-books, the student being assisted by full and frequent
explanations from the Professor, and being constantly subjected to
rigid examinations. The progress of the student in each class is also
tested by his being required to perform written exercises, in which
the principles acquired are applied to the solution of particular
Any student entering the school has the privilege of attending all
or any of the classes, and if prepared to enter an advanced class, may
often find it highly advantageous to review his previous studies by
attendance on a lower class also.
Prof. Smith.
There are two classes in this School.

Junior Class.—The Junior or General Class meets three times
each week throughout the session of nine months. The object of the
course of lectures to this class is to furnish the student with a comprehensive
view of Modern Physics, and to make him familiar with
its methods of investigation. With the design of laying a thoroughly
scientific basis for the course, a large space is given at the outset to
the discussion of the cardinal doctrines of motion and force. These
doctrines are established, and their leading consequences are traced,
without the use of mathematical symbols. Guided by these truths,
the teacher discusses, in the light of experiment, the structure of
matter according to the received atomic hypotheses, and the equilibrium
and motion of solids and fluids. These topics, with various
applications, occupy the first half of the course of lectures.
The remainder of the course is devoted to Molecular Physics, and
treats of Capillarity, Osmose, Wave Motion, Sound, Light, Heat and
Electricity. In this, as in the previous portion of the lectures, the
established laws of motion and force are kept steadily in view, and
an attempt is made so to present and discuss the phenomena as to
convince the student that the entire body of Physics is doubtless a
coherent and harmonious system of mechanical truth.
Text Books.—Ganot's Physics, Stewart on Heat.
Senior Class.—This class meets twice a week, and studies Mechanics
and Astronomy.
Text Books.—Parkinson's Mechanics, Norton's Astronomy.
Mineralogy and Geology.
These subjects are assigned to a separate class, which the members
of the other classes in the School may attend without payment of an
additional fee. In this class the lectures commence with General
Mineralogy, which is treated with especial reference to Geology, to
which it is designed to be an introduction. In the lectures on Geology,
the specific identity of ancient and modern Geological causes is
pointed out; the present action of these causes, whether atmospheric,
aqueous, or igneous, is considered, and their effects in the past history
of the Earth are examined. The illustrations are drawn, as far as
practicable, from the Geological structure of Virginia.
The students have an opportunity of familiarising themselves with
the minerals, rocks and fossils exhibited in the lectures.
Text-Books.—Dana's Manuals of Mineralogy and Geology.

Class of Practical Physics.
Arrangements are now making to accommodate those students
who, expecting to be teachers of Science, or for other reasons, desire
to acquaint themselves practically with the details of Physical Manipulation.
These accommodations will, it is hoped, be enlarged as
the demand for them augments. The course of instruction will be
partly experimental and partly theoretical. For the present, the subjects
presented will be these:
A. Experimental.—1. Study of the Construction, Management and
Preservation of Physical Apparatus. The student will take apart,
examine and put together various philosophical instruments, and
will carefully repeat with them the experiments performed in the
lecture room.
2. Use of "Instruments of Precision."—Measurement of length, of
differences of altitude, of volume; Calibration of tubes; Specific
Gravity of solids and liquids; Measurement of small intervals of
time by revolving mirror; of number of vibrations of sounding
bodies by Sirene, Monochord and revolving mirror or screen; of Curvature
and focal distances of mirrors and lenses; Manipulation and
use of the Telescope, Microscope and Spectroscope; Daily Observations
with Meteorological Instruments; Determination of the errors
of instruments.
B. Theoretical.—Reduction of Observations; Interpolation; Graphical
representation of results; Method of least squares; Essays on
prescribed physical topics.
Prof. Mallet (Acting Professor).
The course of lectures in this School commences with such an exposition
of the phenomena and laws of Heat, Light and Electricity,
as is rendered necessary by their relations to chemical changes and
chemical theories.
The subject of Chemistry proper is then taken up and presented in
the following order:
1. The history of the Metalloids and their combinations with each
other, and, in connection therewith, the exposition of the principles
of the Chemical Nomenclature, Symbols and Notation.
2. The general principles of Chemical Philosophy — including the

Simple and Current Affinity, &c.
3. The Metals — their combinations with the Metalloids, and their
saline combinations.
4. Organic Chemistry — including the general principles of Organic
Analysis, and the detailed consideration of the Series of Hydrocarbons,
Alcohols, Ethers, Organic Acids and Bases, &c.
The process for detecting Poisons, and the means of counteracting
their effects, are presented in their proper connections; and
throughout the course the applications of the facts and principles of
Chemistry to Medicine, Agriculture and the Arts are duly noticed.
The whole subject is presented in the lights of the modern Theories
of the science, which have recently gained so strong a foothold
throughout the Chemical world — the object being to place the
student in a position not only to enter, understandingly, upon any
of the practical applications of the science to which his attention may
be turned, but to keep pace with its development and progress.
Text-Book.—Fownes' Chemistry, last edition.
Prof. Bœck.
The School is divided into three classes:
Junior Class.—Theory and use of Engineering Instruments[2]
Land Surveying[2]
and Levelling[2]
, Construction of Roads, Railroads,
Canals and Tunnels, Spherical Astronomy and Geodesy, Drainage
and Irrigation, General Theory of Building, including Building Materials[2]
, Framing[2]
, and Masonry[2]
, General Theory of Projections[2]
Orthogonal and Oblique Projections, including Orthogonal and
Oblique Projections of Shades and Shadows[2]
, Topographical Drawing[2]
, Constructive and Free-hand Drawing[2]
, Drawing of Ornaments,
&c., Field Practice[2]
Text-Books.—Notes of the Professor.
Intermediate Class.—General Theory of Building continued,
embracing, Lateral Pressure of Earth[2]
, Retaining Walls[2]
, Piers,
Arches, Foundations above ground and under water[2]
, Strength of
Materials and its practical application to entire Constructions[2]

of Buildings, Wooden Bridges, in particular American
Wooden Bridges, Hydraulic Engineering, Construction of Wears
and Locks, River Improvements, Harbors, Supply of Cities and
Towns with Water, Sewerage, Axonometric Projections, including
Axonometric Projections of Shades and Shadows[2] , Perspective, including
Perspective Projections of Shades and Shadows[2] , Stone
Cutting, Orders and Styles of Architecture, Free-hand Drawing continued,
Architectural Drawing and Design.
Text-Books.—Notes of the Professor.
Senior Class.—Stone and Iron Bridges, Movable Bridges, Suspension
Bridges, Mechanical Engineering, Machinery and Machines,
Steam Engines, Mining Engineering, Construction of Furnaces and
Founderies, Architectural and Mechanical Drawing and Design, History
of Architecture, Higher Geodesy and Projection of Maps.
Text-Books.—Notes of the Professor.
For the use of students in this school a commodious Drawing Hall
has been fitted up, and ample collections of Field Instruments, and of
Models illustrating the principles of Hydraulic, Architectural, and
Mechanical Engineering, have been provided. These models, of admirable
workmanship, were constructed for the University in the
widely-known establishment of Schröder, of Darmstadt, Germany.
Agricultural Engineering.
Use of Engineering Instruments, Surveying and Levelling, Construction
of Roads, Drainage and Irrigation, General Theory of
Building, embracing: Building Materials, Framing, Masonry, Foundations,
Flooring, Roofing, Elementary Principles of the Strength of
Materials and their application in practice, Construction of Simple
Wooden Bridges, Rural Architecture, Machinery, Transmission and
Change of Motion, General Theory of Agricultural Implements and
Machines, Drawing and Design.
The subjects marked by the asterisk are those required for the students of Mining
Engineering in this School.
Prof. Mallet.
This School having been created with a view to the growing

and to the development of the natural resources of the country, the
endeavor is made to render the teachings of the Chair as practical as
possible, while basing them upon sound principles of general science;
thus presenting the opportunity of preparation for such positions as
those of the miner and metallurgist, the chemical manufacturer, the
farmer, the dyer, bleacher, tanner, analytical chemist, &c.
The system of instruction consists of a course of Lectures upon
Technical Chemistry, and a course of Practical Work in the Chemical
Laboratory, either of which may be attended separately.
In connection with this course there is but one class, the students
attending which hear three lectures each week throughout the
Amongst the more prominent subjects discussed are: The production
of Materials of very general application, including the Metallurgy
of Iron, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Tin, Silver, Gold, &c., the preparation
and properties of Alloys, and the processes of Electro-Metallurgy,
the manufacture upon the large scale of Acids, Alkalies, Salts, Glass
and Porcelain; the production and preservation of Food, including
the Chemistry of Agriculture, the processes of Bread Making, Wine
Making, Brewing and Distilling, the Manufacture of Sugar and
Vinegar, the curing of Meat, the examination of Potable Water, &c.;
Chemical Arts relating to Clothing, such as Bleaching, Dyeing, Calico
Printing, Tanning, and the preparation of India Rubber; the Chemistry
of those arts which afford us Shelter, embracing the examination
of Building Materials, Lime Burning, the manufacture of Mortar and
Cements, the Explosive Agents used in blasting, as Gunpowder, Gun
Cotton, Nitro-Glycerine, &c., Paints and Varnishes, Disinfecting
Materials, &c.; Heating and Ventilation, the different kinds of Fuel
and modes of burning them; Illumination by artificial means,
Candles, Lamps, the preparation of Petroleum, the manufacture of
Illuminating Gas, Matches; the Chemistry of Washing, the preparation
of Soap, Starch and Perfumes; the Chemical relations of
Printing and Writing, the manufacture of Paper, Ink, Artists' Colors,
Photographic Materials, &c.
The lectures are illustrated by suitable experiments, and by such
specimens, models, drawings, &c., as the various subjects require.
Amongst books which can be usefully referred to in connection with

as Applied to Arts and Manufactures; Richardson and Watts —
Chemical Technology; Ure — Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures;
Dumas — Traité de Chimie Appliquée aux Arts; Wagner — Die chemische
Technologie; Johnston — Agricultural Chemistry; R. Hoffman
— Theoretisch-pracktische Ackerbauchemie.
The subjects germane to Agriculture are treated of at different
periods of the lecture course, and cannot well be brought together
with a due regard to system, but the discussion more particularly of
soils, manures, &c., will be brought forward in January or February
(this year in February), with a view to the convenience of farmers or
others, not regular students of the University, who may desire to attend
this portion of the course separately. Such persons are freely
invited to thus temporarily join the class for the purpose in question.
Laboratory Course.
This is arranged for three classes:
1. The First Class meets twice each week during the session, on
each occasion spending from two to four hours in practical experiment
in the Laboratory. A regularly arranged course of practice in
Chemical Manipulation is first pursued; Qualitative Analysis is then
taken up, and the means of detecting the most important chemical
substances having been learned, students are required to find out for
themselves, by analysis, the constituents of unknown materials presented
to them. Special attention is given to substances having useful
applications in the Arts or connected with Agriculture. Towards
the close of the session the elements of Quantitative Analysis are
taught, so far as the limitation of time will permit.
2. The Laboratory will be open to the Second Class on five days of
each week during the whole of the working hours of each day. A
full course of instruction in Practical Chemistry, including the Qualitative
and Quantitative Analysis of Ores, Soils, Manures, Technical
Products, &c., will be given; and students will be assisted and
encouraged to undertake original research.
3. The Third Class is one specially intended for students of Medicine,
and will meet for lessons of two hours each once in the week
for four months of the session. To this class the practical applications
of Chemistry to Medicine will be taught — the detection of Poisons,
chemical and microscopical examination of Animal Products, urine,
blood, &c.

Amongst the works recommended to laboratory students are
Fresenius — Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis; H. Rose — Hand
buch der analytischen Chemie (also in French translation); Greville
Williams — Handbook of Chemical Manipulation; Wöhler — Examples
for Practice in Chemical Analysis; Bolley — Handbuch der technisch
chemischen Untersuchungen; Odling — Practical Chemistry for Medical
Students; A. H. Church — Laboratory Guide for Agricultural Students.
The Diploma of Graduate in this School will be conferred upon
such students as attend with diligence the Course of Lectures and
the Second Class of Laboratory Instruction, and give evidence on
examination of satisfactory attainments in the same. For the requirements
in this school for the degrees in Mining and Civil Engineering,
&c., reference is made to the general notice of Degrees.
Very liberal provision has been made by the Board of Visitors for
the material means of illustration of the teachings of this Chair. A
new Laboratory building of ample size, specially designed for the
purposes of working students, has been erected, containing all necessary
rooms, fitted with double windows for the preservation of
uniform temperature, and amply supplied with gas, water and all
proper laboratory fixtures. All needful apparatus, chemicals, minerals,
models, &c., and an unusually fine collection of specimens
illustrating the various arts and manufactures as practised on the
great scale, have been procured from England, France, and Germany
It may safely be said that the University of Virginia is in this
department inferior in material preparation for instruction to no
institution of learning in America, and in some respects is probably
superior to any.
Miller Agricultural Scholarships.
With a portion of the means supplied by the donation of the late
Mr. Samuel Miller of Lynchburg, the Board of Visitors of the University
have established in connection with the Agricultural Department
two scholarships, each of five hundred dollars per annum, and
tenable for two years (one to be filled and one vacated in each
year), to be competed for at a special examination upon the whole of
the subjects taught in the department to be held near the close of
each session — candidates for this examination to be already graduates
in the studies of the department. Scholars thus elected will be
expected to continue their studies during the term of their scholarships,
and to render such assistance in the minor duties of instruction,

of them. It is hoped that thus the opportunity may be afforded in
this school to such students of becoming thoroughly competent
chemists, worthy of public confidence in regard to all the purposes
which their special knowledge may subserve, and that even during
their tenure of the scholarships in question they may be able to
render useful service in the examination and analysis of agricultural
and other materials of general interest. They will be subject to no
charge for tuition during the two years, but will be expected to defray
the expense of material they may consume in the Laboratory.
![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |