University of Virginia Library



The subjects taught in this School are the Latin Language and
Literature, with the history of Rome. The School is divided into
two classes, Junior and Senior.

The Text-Books are—

1. Junior Class—Cæsar, Virgil, Terence, Ovid, Sallust.

2. Senior Class—Cicero, Horace, Livy, Juvenal, Tacitus.

Grammars.—Zumpt's, Gildersleeve's, Harrison's Exposition of the
Laws of the Latin Language.

Lexicons.—Andrew's, or Freund's Leverett.

History.—Browne's Roman Literature, Liddell's Rome, Long's

Instruction is given by lectures and by examinations upon the
portions of text assigned for recitation. The exercises of render
ing Latin into English, and English into Latin, in writing, consti
tute a prominent feature in the course. In addition to the portions
of the several authors read in the lecture room, a course of extra
and parallel reading is required in each class.

Sanskrit.—The Professor of Latin will also give instruction in

Text-Books.—Monier Williams' Grammar, Yates' Lexicon, selections
from the Mahâ-Bhârata.