University of Virginia Library


Professor Johnson.—In Anatomy, the lectures are delivered from
Subjects, with which the school is regularly supplied. The text-book is
Horner's Special Anatomy. In Surgery, the text-book is Cooper's
First Lines. This and the two preceding schools constitute the Medical
of the University; and the candidates for the degree
of "Doctor of Medicine," must pass examination in them all. An
extensive Museum is attached to this department. It possesses
one advantage, at least, over the other Medical Schools in the United


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States, in having a session of more than ten months, instead of one of
about four.

A full course of lectures in the Medical Department of this University,
is considered as equivalent to a full course in both the Philadelphia
and Baltimore Schools; so that a student with a certificate from this
University of having attended a full course of lectures here, is entitled
to stand for graduation at either of the above named schools, after
having attended all the lectures there delivered for one session only.