University of Virginia Library


[All who partake of Christ, partake]

Exceeding great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the Divine nature. 2 Peter i. 4.

We are made partakers of Christ, if we hold fast, &c. Hebrews iii. 14.

All who partake of Christ, partake
The nature properly Divine
Of Him, who humbled for our sake,
Us with Himself vouchsafed to join;
And in His single person show'd
The substance both of man and God.
The precious promises in Him
Are all contain'd and verified;
And fashion'd like the God supreme,
Whoe'er in Christ by faith abide,
The' essential holiness they share,
The image of the heavenly bear.
Jesus the Lord, Thy nature pure
To us, as capable, impart,
And thus our hallow'd hearts assure
That Thou the true Jehovah art,
And wilt through death our Leader be,
Our God through all eternity.