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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Veni creator.

Veni creator.

Come holy Ghost: eternall God,
Which doost from God proceede.
The father fyrst: and eke the sonne,
One God as we do reade.
Oh visite thou: our minds and harts,
Thy heauenly grace inspire:
That we in truth: and godlinesse,
May set our whole desire.
Thou art O sprite: the comforter,
In woe and hard distresse:
The heauenly gift: of God so highe,
Which tongue cannot expresse.
Thou fountayne art: and liuely spring,
Of ioy celestiall:
The fyre so bright, the loue so cleare,
and vnction spirituall.
For thou in gifts: art manifold,
Whereby Christs church doth stand:
And wrightst thy loue: in faythfull hartes,
The power of God hys hand.
And like as thou: hast promise made,
Thou geuest the speach of grace:
That through thy helpe: the prayse of God,
May sound in euery place.
O holy Ghost: to moue our wits,
Sende downe thyne heauenly light:
Inflame our harts: our God to serue,
With loue both day and night.

Our weaknes strength: confyrme vs Lord,
Both feeble faynt and frayle:
That nether flesh, the world, ne deuill,
In vs do once preuayle.
Put backe from vs: our enemies,
And graunt that wee obtayne:
Sweete peace of hart: with God and man,
From grudge and proude disdayne.
And graunt O Lord, O leader sure,
That we by thee as guide:
May safe eschue: the snares of sinne,
From thee no tyme to slyde.
And plenty Lord: of thy good grace,
Graunt vs we humble pray:
Be thou our ioy: and comforter,
To scape that dreadfull day.
Of stryfe and foule: dissention,
O Lord dissolue the bands:
And knit the knot: of peace and loue,
Through out all Christen lands.
Graunt vs O Lord: through thee to know
The Father most of might:
That we of his: beloued sonne,
May sure obtayne the sight.
And that with perfect stable fayth,
We mought acknowledge thee:
The sprite of them: of both I say,
One God and persons three.

Be laude to God: the father hye,
And God his sonne prayse ye:
Be prayse to God: the holy sprite,
One God in Trinity.
Pray we that Christ the sauiour,
Uouchsafe his sprite to send:
To all which true: professe his name,
Till all the world doth ende.