University of Virginia Library

And Cain looked thunder, and well he might;
But the Shuperintandin' got a light
From all this talk; so he stroked down Gellin'
The best he could, that was puffin' and swellin'
Most awful—and then he turned to Cain,
And—“I think we'll let the matter remain
As it is,' he says, “I believe I express
The general feelin'—as it is, as it is”;


And looks round at the others, that gave a sort
Of a grunt or a groan, or a sniff or a snort,
Maenin' yes—and “Let us pray”;
And down on their knees and pegged away:
But Gellin' only said—Chit! and Chut!
And tuk and slammed the door, and cut.