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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Behold the mighty Engine, which o'erthrows
The Tyrant's Throne, that can controul his will,
And paralyze the Hand upraised to kill;
That with Thought's viewless, but resistless Blows,
Can shatter down all Barriers that oppose
Truth's onward Progress: with which she can still
Uphold her aweful Rights, and yet not spill
One Drop of human Blood! for Wisdom knows
Even with such weak Instrument to break
The Sword and Spear, and all the palpable Might
Of Walls and Armies! yea! for she can make
With this the Hearts of Men to beat aright!


True Strength is in true Feeling! let this wake,
And God's Rightarm is present in the Fight!