University of Virginia Library


At first you say, “The whole, or chief
“Of difficulties, is belief.
“Could I believe once thoroughly,
“The rest were simple. What? Am I
“An idiot, do you think,—a beast?
“Prove to me, only that the least
“Command of God is God's indeed,
“And what injunction shall I need
“To pay obedience? Death so nigh,
“When time must end, eternity
“Begin,—and cannot I compute,
“Weigh loss and gain together, suit


“My actions to the balance drawn,
“And give my body to be sawn
“Asunder, hacked in pieces, tied
“To horses, stoned, burned, crucified,
“Like any martyr of the list?
“How gladly!—if I make acquist,
“Through the brief minute's fierce annoy,
“Of God's eternity of joy.”