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Albemarle County in Virginia

giving some account of what it was by nature, of what it was made by man, and of some of the men who made it

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3. APPENDIX, No. 3.

Extracts from memoranda connected with the Revolution, found
among the papers of Dr. George Gilmer.

The following volunteers in the Independent Companies of Albemarle


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County bound themselves to the ensuing Resolves by subscribing

1. Should they fail or fly back, they should be held unworthy of
the rights of freemen, and as inimical to the cause of America.

2. Any one elected as Captain, Lieutenant, or Ensign, and refusing
to serve, shall pay, the first £25, the second £15, and the third
£10, for the use of the Company.

3. To obey the officers by themselves elected, muster four times a
year, provide gun, shot-pouch and powder horn, and appear on duty
in hunting shirt.

*Charles Lewis, Captain  Shadrach Battles 
*George Gilmer, Lieut.  J. S. Logan 
*John Marks, Lieut.  J. S. Lisle 
John Harvie, Ensign  William Flint 
William Simms, Sergeant  Roger Shackelford 
*William Wood, Sergeant  John Dickerson 
*William T. Lewis, Sergeant  Edward Hughes 
*John Martin, Sergeant  Stephen Hughes 
*Fred Wm. Wills, Corporal  J. S. Dudley 
*Thomas Martin Jr., Corporal  J. S. Stephenson 
Patrick Napier, Corporal  John Coles 
*David Allen, Corporal  *Charles L. Lewis 
*John Lowry, Drummer  *James Quarles 
*Edward Garland  Isaac Davis 
*John Henderson  Spencer Norvell 
*Isaac Wood  *Reuben Lindsay 
*Falvy Frazier  Robert Martin Jr. 
Samuel Carr  *William Johnson 
John Watkins  James Lewis 
Micajah Defoe  Edward Carter 
John Wood  Turner Richardson 
David Dalton  George Thompson 

Those marked with an asterisk, marched to Williamsburg, May
2nd, 1775, to demand satisfaction of Lord Dunmore for the removal of
the powder.

The following marched to Williamsburg, July 11th, 1775 under
Lieut. George Gilmer.



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Matthew Jouett  William Wood 
Richard Harper  William Lewis 
William Flint  William Henderson 
Isham Lewis  Thomas Strachan 
Richard Harvie  John Martin, Sergeant 
Erasmus Ball  Isaac Davis 
Bennett Henderson  Nelson Thompson 
Charles L. Lewis  Micajah Lewis 
Hastings Marks  Richard Durrett 
Thomas Mitchell  Bernard Mills 
Hudson Martin  John Henderson 
John Wood  John Wood 
Micajah Chiles  Thomas Walker 
Thomas Martin, Corporal. 

A Declaration of Independence, signed by citizens of Albemarle,
April 21st, 1779, the original of which is preserved in the rooms of
the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond.



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George Gilmer  James Reid 
James Quarles  Benjamin Lacy 
William Lewis  William Tandy Sr. 
Richard Anderson  John Reid 
Peter Marks  William Hopkins 
James Bridgett  Clough Shelton 
John Fielder  Samuel Woodson 
George Norvell  Thomas Overton 
Nathaniel Haggard  Thomas Martin Jr. 
Henry Mullins  John Wilkinson 
Tucker Woodson  Benjamin Dod Wheeler 
Isaac Davis  Peter Jackson 
Samuel Taliaferro  Henry Heard 
John Day  John Jouett Jr. 
Micajah Chiles  Isaac Davis Jr. 
Richard Harper  Philip Mazzei 
William Barton  George Saunders 
John Greer  Richard Gaines 
Thomas Jefferson  William Briscoe 
John Harvie  William Carroll 
John Coles  Robert Sharp Sr. 
James Marks  Robert Sharp Jr. 
John Harris  Joseph Lamb 
John Jouett  John Bailey 
Nicholas Lewis  Roland Horsley 
Benjamin Harris  Richard Harvie 
Samuel Dedman  Alexander McKinzie 
James Hopkins  Robert Thompson Jr. 
C. Simms  John Kirby 
James Kerr  John Black 
William Hays  William Pilson 
Edward Butler  Robert Pilson 
R. Davenport Jr.  James Epperson 
William Irvin, V. D. M.  John Lott 
Jason Bowcock  Richard Sharp 
Henry Shelton  Robert Burrus 
James Minor  Henry Randolph 
Anderson Bryan  William McGhee 
John Fitzpatrick  Samuel Karr 
John Stockton  Samuel McCord 
Josiah Wood  Joseph Holt 
Whittle Flannagan  William L. Bing 
Peter Ferguson  Benjamin Jordan 
Nathaniel McAllister  John Henderson Jr. 
John Henderson Sr.  William Barksdale 
John Lewis Sr.  Thomas Thorp 
W. Langford  James Wm. Crossthwait 
Peter Burrus  R. Dixon 
John Tandy  T. Marshall 
Richard Goodall  Daniel Coleman 
Spencer Norvell  William Wingfield 
Orlando Jones  Christopher Wingfield 
Stat. Morris  William Leake 
William Michie  Martin Haggard 
Thomas Craig  Peter Ballon 
John McCulloch  Thomas West 
Charles L. Lewis  William Anderson 
William Johnson  Joseph Neilson 
Zachariah Mills  William Colvard 
John Thomas  William Fossett 
Castleton Harper Sr.  Edward Moore 
John Newcomb  Charles Lewis Jr. 
Samuel Bing  David G. Mosby 
Richard Carter  Isham Lewis 
John Wingfield  Henry Ford 
Henry Hooper  William Sandridge 
Nicholas Hamner  William Chenault 
Joseph Terrell  Thomas Musick 
Daniel Goolsby  Samuel Huckstep 
Richard Davenport  Jacob Oglesby 
Charles Tucker  John Wood 
William Hitchcock  Thomas Collins 
Henry Copeland  Arthur Graham 
Richard Goolsby  Thomas Morgan 
Hiram Gaines  Charles Hudson 
John Prince  William Jeffers 
Castleton Harper Jr.  Richard Scott 
Daniel Coleman  Bernis Brown 
William Wingfield  William Statham 
William Leake  Stephen Hughes Jr. 
Martin Haggard  Horsley Goodman 
Peter Ballou  William Shelton 
Thomas Fentress  Littlebury Sullivan 
James McManus  William Karr 
Samuel Rea  William Ramsay 
Abraham Eades  David Nimmo 
John Fentress  William Reynolds 
William Sorrow  Richard Watson 
William Fry  Shadrach Reynolds 
Charles Goodman  Daniel Reynolds 
Michael Wallace  Francis Browning 
Randolph Jefferson  William Rannald 
John Hall  Abraham Gollan 
David Allen  William Cleveland 
Charles Kerr  James Bird 
Benjamin Henderson  William Ballard 
Samuel Bowcock  Thomas Jameson 
David Morris  George Mann 
John Wallace  Daniel Miller 
Matthew Maury  Francis Hodge 
Mask Leake  Francis Taliaferro 
Robert Cobbs  John Kirby 
Thomas Gooch  James Woods