University of Virginia Library


[He that hath seen the' Incarnate Son]

No man hath seen God at any time. John i. 18.

Philip saith unto Him, Lord show us the Father—Hast Thou not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father. Ibid. xiv. 8, 9.

He that hath seen the' Incarnate Son,
All which of Christ was visible,
Hath seen the Father too, and known
(What flesh and blood could not reveal)


Jehovah is in Jesus' name,
With God substantially the same.
He hath beheld the person join'd
To God invisible, supreme,
He doth the Father's nature find
The plenitude Divine in Him,
Who hath to all His followers shown
“I and My Father are but One.”
Jesus, Thou Son of the Most High,
To me, even me vouchsafe the grace
To see by faith's internal eye,
Jehovah shining in Thy face:
Explain the mystery to my heart,
And bid me then in peace depart.
So when Thou dost with clouds appear
In all Thy dazzling majesty,
These eyes of flesh shall see Thee here,
Without a veil the Godhead see,
My forehead shall Thy name receive,
And glorious I for ever live.