University of Virginia Library



[Our heavenly Father is but One]

Call no man your father upon earth, for One is your Father which is in heaven. Matthew xxiii. 9.

Our heavenly Father is but One
With that paternity
In which the Father and the Son
And Holy Ghost agree:
Each person of the Triune God,
May His own creature claim,
For each impress'd the earthy clod
With His own awful name.
Father, and Son, and Spirit join'd
In the creating plan,
Each is the Maker of mankind,
And doth His work sustain:
The Spirit breathed His life into
Our animated clay,
And He begets our souls anew,
And seals us to that day.
Our common Head in Christ we see,
Our heavenly Adam praise,
The Father of eternity
And all the faithful race:
His promise to the conqueror is,
Who the good fight hath won,
“His God, I will be always his,
And he shall be My son.”
Children of God who Christ receive,
Our privilege we know,
The Resurrection's children live,
The Saviour's seed below:


“I am the Resurrection, I
The Life eternal am!”
And never shall His children die
Who trust in Jesus' name.
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
We equal homage pay,
And each in whom we wholly trust
Implicity obey:
Ourselves entirely we resign
To the great Three in One,
And worship properly Divine
Perform to God alone.