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[The kingdom is not Thine to give]

To sit on My right-hand and on My left, is not Mine to give, but (it shall be given) to them for whom it is prepared of My Father. Matthew xx. 23.

The kingdom is not Thine to give
Except to saints by grace prepared,
Who all Thy Father's words receive,
Who Thee and Him alike regard,
Thy passion to the end endure,
And make the prize through sufferings sure.
Who strive resisting unto blood,
To Thee by Thy great Father given,
On them is by Thyself bestow'd
The purest happiness of heaven,
The bliss supreme, the full reward,
The joy of their triumphant Lord.
Thrones I appoint to you My friends,
Your purchased crowns to you I give,
In ecstasies that never end
Partakers of My glory live;


Who on My cross rejoiced to die,
Your seats are ready in the sky.
The sharers of My victory,
Made perfect, and through sufferings meet,
Myself will grant to sit with Me:
Come up at My right-hand to sit;
Your warfare's past, your work is done:
Come up to My eternal throne.