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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CLXIII. 1 Kings, Chap. X. from Ver. 1. to Ver. 14.
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CLXIII. 1 Kings, Chap. X. from Ver. 1. to Ver. 14.

The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon; propounds Questions to him; makes Presents to him, and receives from him.

Attracted by the Hebrew Monarch's Fame,
Rich Sheba's Queen from bless'd Arabia came:
Prepar'd, as was the Custom of her Age,
To prove his Skill with Problems Deep and Sage:
How splendid was her Train, how vast her Store?
What Caravans of Camels Spices bore,
What precious Gems and Heaps of shining Ore?
Majestic on his Throne she saw him crown'd,
She saw his Nobles waiting silent round,
And struck with awe, cou'd scarce her Doubts propound:
But when she heard the Prince with ease explain,
What Joktan's Sons so oft had try'd in vain;
No Trees or Shrubs that on the Mountains grew,
No Herbs that drank the Valley's fragrant Dew,
But he their Names and various Natures knew;


When she his Throne and Table did survey,
His Houshold, with their Order and Array;
The stately Galleries and broad Ascent,
Which from the Palace to the Temple went;
She cou'd no more, pleas'd and at once amaz'd,
In Extasie awhile, she round her gaz'd:
Recov'ring, thus—while I at home remain'd,
And in Sabea's narrow Confines reign'd;
I heard, but scarce believ'd the Voice of Fame,
Which did your Wisdom and your Acts proclaim:
Too loud I thought her then, but now her Silence blame:
My dazled Eyes, Great Sir! have seen far more,
Nor heard I half of Solomon before:
Almost beyond a Mortal, bless'd is he
Whose daily Duty to attend on thee;
Hear the lov'd Accents of thy Voice divine,
And see that Face, that heav'nly Face of thine!
Bless'd be the Pow'r that fix'd thee on the Throne,
To rule his favourite People and thy own;
Strict Justice to dispense with equal Hand,
Large as thy Soul, and wide as thy Command!


She said, then did a Royal Present make,
Worthy of her to give, and him to take;
Myrrh, Nard, Amomum, Frankincense she brings,
And Gold that wou'd have ransom'd captive Kings;
Which Solomon with Princely Grace receives,
And more of his own Royal Bounty gives:
What cou'd he not, when so immense his Store?
How vast the Sums which his proud Navy bore
From old Tartessus, and from Ophir's Shore?
Silver and Gold o'reflow his happy Land,
As plenteous as the Pebbles on the Sand:
The precious Metal takes a warlike Mould,
His Shields, his pond'rous Targets blaz'd with Gold.
Exotic Beasts and Birds augment his State,
Which human Speech or Action imitate;
See there the mimic Ape, for Laughter made,
While the proud Peacock near, her gaudy Train displaid!